Good practices promoted by municipalities

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Most relevant Good Practices

LIFE Águeda – Rio de Todos (missing translation)
Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan for the Municipality of Seixal (PAESC)
Seixal Municipal Library Educational Activities Programme
Seixal Official Collection Centre for Companion Animals (CROACS)
Bathing Rescue System
Matosinhos Surf School Cup
Fish Rally
Blue flag beaches
Semana do Clima (missing translation)
Aspiring Geopark Algarvensis
Promoting the Reconciliation of Professional, Family and Personal Life
Healthy Seixal Project
Municipal Education Plan
Guimarães 2030: Governance Ecosystem
Municipal Contingency Plan for Periods of Drought
Tasting Matosinhos
Escolicidade" platform
Youth Education Services
Municipal Education for Sustainability Programme
Support for the Seixal Eco-Schools Programme
Together for Art
Internal and External Training Plan
Leça Green Corridor
ReFlorestar municipal programme
Mata de Vilar - Lousada's lung
Poetry Festival
ECO - Involving by Creating Opportunities - CLDS 4G
Seixal Games
Seixal Municipal Housing Plan (PMHCS) 2021 - 2026
Social May
Matosinhos Network for Intervention in Domestic and Family Violence (RIV)
Regular Activities
LeV - Travelling Literature
Carbon neutrality
Vegetable garden on the doorstep
Loulé Municipal Climate Action Plan
Seixal ON
Loulé Design Lab (missing translation)
Zero Waste Movement
Casa das Videiras - Environmental Education Centre
Gabinete de apoio à Família e à Parentalidade (missing translation)
Loulé Solar Programme
Career guidance in Matosinhos schools
Northern Regional Network for the Support and Protection of Victims of Human Trafficking (THB)
Eco-Schools Programme
School Energy Community
Plano Local de Ação Integrada do Município de Loulé (missing translation)
Rent subsidy
School Psychology Support Programme (PAPE)
Ponds with Life
Solidarity Market
Partnership Network of Institutions for Combating Economic Precarity (RPICPE) - Food support
Local Volunteer Bank of Loulé
Social Development Support Programme
Youth Volunteering - Forest Surveillance
Environmental Centre (CA) - Loulé and Pena Centres
Dia da Árvore / Dia Internacional das Florestas (missing translation)
Geoparque Oeste (missing translation)
Happy API - Learn, Prevent and Include_CLDS4G
Projeto I&D – Interculturalidade e Desenvolvimento (missing translation)
Social Canteen Network
Homelessness Planning and Intervention Centre - NPISA in Matosinhos
DDD - Dias da Dança Festival
Inventorying biodiversity in local protected areas
Estratégia de Desenvolvimento Pombal 2030 (missing translation)
St Peter's Fair
Seixal +
Cascais Climate Change Adaptation Action Plan
Walk the dog" programme
Xmas Trail
Sustainability, Forests, Biodiversity and Rural Development Agenda 2020-2025
Plano de Ação para a Energia Sustentável e Clima Torres Vedras 2050 | PAESC (missing translation)
Pombal Mais Autóctone (missing translation)
Chocolate Festival
Agita Seixal
Social Housing Programme
National Reading Competition - Municipal Phase
Joining the Municipalities for Peace Movement
Career Education
Educational Concerts
Gaia + Inclusive
Festival Novas Invasões (missing translation)
Animal Welfare Plan
Eco-Freguesias XXI (missing translation)
Orçamento Participativo de Pombal (missing translation)
Surfing4Family (missing translation)
Safe Village Safe People
Avós em Rede (missing translation)
The Museum is older than me
Ponte de Sor Aeronautical Cluster
Coastwatch Portugal
Blue Centre
Training and Innovation
Re-Value: Integrated urban planning for neutrality
Assessment and Nutrition Offices
Animating Matosinhos
Markets Journal
Matosinhos Holiday Camps
Upgrading the school network
PEGADAS Environmental Education Programme
Loulé Local Climate Action Monitoring Council
Expresso Poesia - poetic laboratories
Funchal Active City
Voluntários pela Natureza - Projeto LIFE Volunteer Escapes (missing translation)
Voluntary actions to clean up riverside areas
Escola a Tempo Inteiro (missing translation)
2% is H2O
Miniflorestas nas escolas do concelho de Loulé (método Miyawaki) (missing translation)
Dolphin Fair
Loulé: Sustainable Events
Metropolitan Biodiversity Park
Pombal Municipality Digital Desk
From the market to the plate
Save the language of Camões!
Elderly-Friendly City
Employability Days
PO APMC - Operational Programme to Support the Most Deprived People
Matosinhos World's Best Fish (WBF)
MIMepe - Intervention Methodology in Matosinhos - Pre-school Education
Classification of a Protected Area: Foz do Almargem and Trafal Local Nature Reserve (RNL)
Loulé Local Housing Strategy 2019-2030
A day in the countryside....
Torres Vedras Carnival - Eco Event
"Biodiversity at your Fingertips"
Promoção do Pastel de Feijão (missing translation)
Summer outings for seniors
Studying nocturnal butterflies
Environment Week - Serra das Meadas Biological Park
Reforestation action in Góis
Programas de Voluntariado Jovem de Verão (missing translation)
Torres Vedras Municipal Council for Climate Action
Shop Nursery
Zambujinho's travels
Offering books on climate change
Preventing corruption
Reabilitação do Bairro Municipal (missing translation)
Municipal Consumer Information Centre (CIAC)
Creative Seixal
Eco Benefit App
City Caretaker
Pedagogical Activities Programme "Visit by Playing"
Loulé Municipal Urban Gardens
Novos Programas de Habitação (missing translation)
Establishment of the Urban Rehabilitation Area (ARU) for the municipality of Torres Vedras
Plano de Ação para a Energia Sustentável e o Clima (missing translation)
Native Fish Project
The Bird For All
Planos de Ação para a Regeneração Urbana nos Centros Históricos de Loulé e Quarteira (missing translation)
Parques de Atividades Económicas do Seixal (missing translation)
Ecological recovery of classified areas in the municipality of Viana do Castelo
Action Plan for Energy and Climate Sustainability
Nucleo Local de Inserção - NLI (missing translation)
PIPSE activities in kindergartens
Speech Therapy in Matosinhos schools
Sports Development Support Programme
Electric Vehicle Charging
Youth Citizenship Competition
Firefighter's Social Card
Matosinhos Caring
Festival Internacional de Ciência 22 (missing translation)
Seven schools in the municipality with 100 per cent LED lighting
Seixal Municipal Urban Garden Network
Consumption Efficiency Promotion Plan (PPEC) - 7th edition
Implementation of electronic invoicing for school meals
Local Reading Plan 2020-2027
Feira Internacional de Artesanato (missing translation)
Escuteiros da Silveira participam em ação de manutenção de plantações em Santa Cruz (missing translation)
BINAS - Sistema de Utilização Partilhada de Bicicletas de Castelo Branco (missing translation)
Bandeira Verde ECOXXI (missing translation)
Góis Popular Marches
Christmas portraits
Civil Protection Month
Dream Suitcase Project
Reading booth
Participatory Budgeting
Safe Villages and People in the Municipality of Góis
Saints, Honey and Chestnut Fair
Challenging Playgrounds" project
RESERVA | Fórum de Inovação de Gastronomia e Vinho (missing translation)
Climate Journey - Torres Vedras
Local Housing Strategy | ELH Tavira 2021 - 2030
Ocean Spirit Pedagogical Tent
Municipal Youth Card
Nascer e Crescer em Torres Vedras (missing translation)
Knowledge Workshops
SIT FLEXI - Flexible Transport at the Request of the Intermunicipal Community
Mercado Medieval (missing translation)
Leiria Environmental Interpretation Centre
Environmental Education Plan
Azambuja Integra
Alertinha Academy
Consciente(mente) (missing translation)
Albergaria-a-Verde" Municipal Sustainability Strategy
Security Workshop
Festa dos Saberes e Sabores do Douro (missing translation)
VinDouro | Wine and Histoty | Festa Pombalina (missing translation)
Lousã Official Animal Collection Centre (CROAL)
Tempo de Férias (missing translation)
Cozinha Partilhada de Salir (missing translation)
Brincando e Aprendendo (missing translation)
Bora Lá Brincar - Playing in the Educating City
Mills - Training for Innovation
Salpico Space
Citizen Spaces
If I Were the Sea
Loulé Solidarity Municipal Regulation
Families at the Museum
Certification - Integrated Management System (Quality, Environment and Reconciliation)
Disposal of bottles and cans for recycling
Preservation of the Western Ruivac
Aproveitamento hidroagrícola dos rios Sizandro e Alcabrichel (missing translation)
Smart Farm Colab
Guimarães Bio-waste Management Plan
Gaia Ciência Viva School
Vou a pé para a escola (missing translation)
Praias Inclusivas com o sistema ColorADD (missing translation)
Observatório Municipal de Ambiente e Território de Loulé (missing translation)
Loulé Criativo (missing translation)
Territorializando os ODS (missing translation)
Voluntariado "Guardiões da Floresta e da Natureza - Barrocal" (missing translation)
Voluntariado: “Guardiões do Miradouro do Castelo” (missing translation)
Campos de Férias - "Umas Férias Divertidas" (missing translation)
Cornélias Lousada Bike-Sharing
European Mobility Week
Made in Torres Vedras (missing translation)
Municipal Programme for Inclusion and Development - PMID
Blue Flag Beach
Local Councillor for Gender Equality
Pateira de Frossos Interpretation Centre
Workshops in the school holidays
Projeto VITALIZAR (missing translation)
Municipal Used Cooking Oil Collection Network
School Libraries
Local Support Network for Young People Leaving Care Homes in Matosinhos
Matosinhos Municipal Equality Plan 2022-2025
TAD - Home telecare
Matosinhos =Equal
Energy Efficiency in Municipal Swimming Pools and Pavilions
V.E.M. - Volunteering in Matosinhos
Seniors in Safety
Nelas Senior University
Neighbourhood Tutors Programme
Limpeza e desobstrução de linhas de água (missing translation)
Valongo Youth Participatory Budget (OPJV)
Balcão BUPI (missing translation)
Lousada Christmas Village
Mata de Vilar Senior Volunteer Programme
Cultural Cycle: Mata de Vilar Concerts
Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável - sessão prática (missing translation)
Municipal Civil Protection Conversation Group
Blue School Programme
International Coastal Cleanup Day
“Cãominhada” (missing translation)
Raízes (missing translation)
Oeste + Recicla (missing translation)
Collection of used cooking oil
Reserva da Biosfera Transfronteiriça do Tejo/Tajo Internacional (missing translation)
Rota do Olival, Malpica do Tejo (missing translation)
PR12 - Rota dos Olivais, Santo André das Tojeiras (missing translation)
PR11 - Rota das Fontes, Benquerenças (missing translation)
PR10 - Rota Sra Da Orada (missing translation)
PR9 - Rota Ribeira da Magueija, Sarzedas (missing translation)
PR8 - Rota dos Moinhos, Almaceda-Sarzedas (missing translation)
PR7 - Rota dos Lagares, Almaceda (missing translation)
PR6 - Poço dos Sinos de Sarzedas (missing translation)
PR4 - Rota da Marateca (missing translation)
PR2 - Caminho de Xisto de Martim Branco (missing translation)
PR1 - Rota da Gardunha (missing translation)
GR22 – Grande Rota Pedestre das Aldeias Históricas de Portugal (missing translation)
Birdwatching Castelo Branco - Plataforma online (missing translation)
Programa de Apoio à Aquisição de Bicicletas (missing translation)
A minha Rua (missing translation)
Municipal Energy Saving and Efficiency Guide
Travelling Literature
Story Time: "Tell Me Stories"
Echoes of the Past: Between Conversations and Keys | Conect@ndo
The project "Old are the Threads and Rags that produce Art "
Get going" programme
European Week for Waste Reduction
Inclusive Beaches - ColorADD System
Local Housing Strategy (2022-2028)
Local Youth Incentive Scheme - SLIJ Góis Card
Municipal Plan for Equality and Non-Discrimination - PMIND (2022-2025)
European Heritage Days
Exhibition Space 'Góis Trout Cycle - Monteira Park'
Conversas de Turismo Sustentável e os ODS - Desafios e Oportunidades (missing translation)
European Week of Sport
Echoes of the Past: Cycle of Stitches and Stories | Atelier of Manual Arts and Decoration
Civil Protection in Oeiras Schools
Climate Action Platform (CAP)
Exibição Exposição itinerante “ODS em Movimento” (missing translation)
Eco-Schools Programme: Municipality partners with EB2,3/S José Silvestre Ribeiro in Idanha-a-Nova
Santa Catarina Annual Fair
Sado Invites
ECO XXI - Sustainable Municipalities
Municipal Consumer Information Centre (CIAC)
ECOXXI Programme
OdeTE Roadmap
Upper Sousa Local Protected Landscape
PR4 - From Dinosaurs to Rock
Implementation of the PAYT system in waste management in Guimarães
Plastic Free Municipal Market
Human Power Hub | Centro de Inovação Social de Braga (missing translation)
The museum and the school - discovering the municipality
ODSlab Braga (missing translation)
Hortas do Mar (missing translation)
Setúbal Environment Days
Lousada Guarda RIOS
Planting Lousada
Gabinete de Apoio ao Agricultor (missing translation)
Mercado da Nossa Terra (missing translation)
Biblioteca Municipal - Bibliomóvel (missing translation)
"O Rei manda… Brincar" (missing translation)
Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Public Procurement
Viana Young People with Talent
Implementation of ISO 20400 - Sustainable Purchasing in the Municipality of Lisbon
Humanising school playgrounds
Project LEIA - Assisted Reading
Bibliomóvel - Travelling Library
Green Seal
Azambuja Literary Competition
Planning and Monitoring System for the Strategic Plan for Social Development (PEDS)
Municipal Climate Change Adaptation Plan (PMAAC)
Invest4Nature - The economics of nature-based solutions: cost-benefit analysis, market development and financing
Urban ReLeaf - Citizen-powered data ecosystems for inclusive and green urban transitions
National Training Centre
For You If You're Not Missing
Community vineyards and orchards
Joining the Portuguese Network of Healthy Municipalities
Biobairros "Lourinhã Compost for All!"
Lagoons and Ponds of the River Ave
Green Brigades
Loulé Senior Mobile Workshop - The Town Hall Closer to the Citizen
Mercadinho de Loulé (missing translation)
Espaço Cidadão Loulé (missing translation)
Pressreader - online service with free access to 7,000 online publications (newspapers and magazines)
Free Books Project
"Knowing what I eat"
Joining the ODS Alliance Portugal
AlertaTvedras (missing translation)
Participatory Budgeting
Renovation of dilapidated housing
Praias Bandeira Azul (missing translation)
Gold Quality Beaches
Coastal protection of Santa Cruz Sul - Formosa and Azul beaches
Plano de Ação de Regeneração Urbana (PARU) (missing translation)
Inclusive accessibility in Praça 25 de Abril
Torres Vedras LabCentre
Guimarães Brand
Set.Up In(dustry) Business Idea Acceleration and Industrial Incubation Programme
Loulé's Municipal Climate Change Adaptation Strategy
Redução de Perdas Reais nas Redes de Distribuição (missing translation)
Municipal Plan for the Defence of the Forest against Fire in the Municipality of Seixal - PMDFCI Seixal
Rehabilitate Your Building Programme
Cursed Poetry
Portuguese Sign Language Interpreting Service
Mezio River Interpretation Centre - Tapada Mill
Resilience interventions for territories in the face of risk
ATL - "Brincar o Tempo Inteiro" (missing translation)
World Grandparents Day
Solidarity Squares" Community Christmas Tree
Growing Holidays" Programme - ATL Summer Holidays
Compostim" project
Growing up playing
Matosinhos in Jazz" Festival
The Pirates in Leça da Palmeira (Historical Recreation)
Albergaria-a-Velha Official Animal Collection Centre (CROAA)
Sustainable Waste
Virtual Museum of Maritime Memory
Open week for families - speech therapy
World Wine Tourism Day
Wine Cluster - Promotion
Permanent and temporary exhibitions
Contracts for the refurbishment and renovation of buildings and homes in the municipality
Everybody dance
Matosinhos Jazz Orchestra
Classical Music Cycles - Concerts with the Matosinhos String Quartet (QCM)
Piano cycle
Urban Rehabilitation Areas in the Municipality of Seixal
Guided/special visits (literary, dramatised, animated, etc.)
Q2 (Museum open until midnight) and V+ (Seasonal visit)
Vale de Milhaços Gunpowder Factory Biodiversity Enhancement Plan
Municipal Forum against Domestic Violence
Municipal Plan for the Integration of Roma Communities (PLICC) in Matosinhos
Unidade de Missão da Energia da Câmara Municipal (missing translation)
Training + Next: Urban Planning and Tourism
Career Camp
Waste Guide
Arts Support Programme
Aquisição de viaturas para primeira intervenção de combate a incêndios (missing translation)
Intermunicipal Victim Support Office
Renewal of the municipal fleet
Agir LocaL (missing translation)
Aim for Earth
Living Laboratory for Decarbonisation - Águeda Sm@rt City Lab
Landscape Laboratory
Environmental Educational Offer
Beaches certified to ISO 13009 standard
Estratégia Municipal de Adaptação às Alterações Climáticas | EMAAC (missing translation)
Balcão BUPI descentralizado nas freguesias (missing translation)
Annual edition of Oppidum magazine
Autumn comedies
Acoustic evenings
Youth Participatory Budgeting - Lousada
Vilar Forest's Green Giant Sponsorship Programme
Reconversion of green lawn areas
Senior Academy
Temporary Accommodation - Stella Maris de Leixões Protocol
Distribuição Gratuita de Produtos de Higiene Menstrual (missing translation)
FOODCLIC - Integrated Urban Food Policies
Avaliação, Mapeamento e Valorização dos Serviços Ecossistémicos do concelho de Loulé (missing translation)
Sanitation network
TORRES INOV-E (missing translation)
Funchal Active City
"Góis in Community: Reinterpreting the tradition of Maios and Maias"
Collection of Undifferentiated Waste in the Municipality of Fafe
PODCASTS: "Setúbal, the Butterfly Effect"
Castelo de Vide Municipal Climate Action Plan
Municipal Footpath Network
Raiano Youth Card
Raiano Card +65
Volunteer Bank of the Municipality of Idanha-a-Nova
Social Network - Municipality of Idanha-a-Nova
Participatory Budgeting of the Municipality of Idanha-a-Nova
Idanha + Bébé" educational project for municipal crèches
Beira Baixa Intermunicipal Climate Change Adaptation Plan: Idanha-a-Nova, Castelo Branco, Oleiros, Penamacor, Proença-a-Nova and Vila Velha de Ródão
Rural Incubator at Herdade da Várzea
Idanha-a-Nova joins the National Network of Glyphosate-Free Municipalities
Mobile Citizen Space in Idanha-a-Nova
Idanha-a-Nova Mobile Health Unit
Tagus/Tajo International Biosphere Reserve: Idanha-a-Nova; Castelo Branco and Vila Velha de Ródão and 14 Spanish Municipalities
UNESCO World Naturtejo Geopark: Municipalities of Idanha-a-Nova; Castelo Branco; Nisa; Oleiros; Penamacor; Proença-a-Nova; Vila Velha de Ródão
Online Services Portal of the Municipality of Idanha-a-Nova
Idanha-a-Nova Bioregion
Participatory Budgeting in Angra do Heroísmo
Programa de Sensibilização e Educação para a Redução dos Riscos - Educar para a Prevenção (missing translation)
Cadaval Municipal Museum - Castanholas Museum Centre
Cadaval Municipal Climate Change Adaptation Plan
Ligados à Comunidade Geramos Sustentabilidade (missing translation)
Busca Polos - Youth and Family Support Office
Energy Efficiency in Public Infrastructures - Social Neighbourhoods
Urban Dinosaur Show
Intervention in the "Orientation at Sea" Museum Space
Every Word...An Art
Pragal Microforest
"Listening to the People, Building the Future"
Municipal Youth Council (CMJL)
Dr Louzã Henriques Ethnographic Museum
Urban Mobility System
Innovation and Strategic Planning Office (GI&PE) - CEI and CEI+ projects
Municipal Ombudsman for People with Disabilities
Senior Municipal Plan
Native Fish
A More Sustainable Mafra
Resilient Cities
Silver City
Educational Projects Fair
Joining the ODS Alliance Portugal
SAF - Family Support Service
Natural Learning
Voice of the youth
Cascais Community Gardens Manual
School gardens
Community gardens in Cascais
ECOXXI Green Flag Programme
Recycling for Environmental Gain
(RE) New Clothes!
Student Centre
Cities of Affections
Socio-educational courses
Books to the West" Literary Festival
Senior Gymnastics
Brand Lourinhã
Programme + Contigo
School Fruit Programme
Visual and hearing screening
Lourinhã Library Network
StartUp Lourinhã
Guide to good sustainability practices for industrial parks
Rehabilitation of the dunes at Praia Areia Branca - Preservation of the natural heritage
Give Your Voice a Voice - Digital Platform of the Child-Friendly City Programme
Urgezes Circular
Educating Cities
Torres Vedras Citizens' Bureau and Citizens' Centres in the municipality
Milan Pact - Urban Food Policy
BioCantina Transfer Network
Health Cluster
Voltas' bus
European Capital of the Social Economy 2021
Torres Vedras e-Business
Water Safety Plan
Instalação de fontanários públicos dos SMAS (missing translation)
Rivers Laboratory +
Learning Labs / Classrooms of the Future
Programa de combate às plantas invasoras (missing translation)
Plano de ação para a sustentabilidade energética e climática do Município de Pombal (missing translation)
Condomínio de aldeias localizadas em territórios de floresta no Concelho de Pombal – Ramalhais (missing translation)
Highlight(s) from the Goiás Memory Reference Centre - CRMG
Equipamentos com a promoção de ações de Educação Ambiental (missing translation)
Mouth in bloom
Initial Spanish Training
Social Assistance and Monitoring Service - SAAS Matosinhos
Village Condominiums
Oeiras Educa+ (missing translation)
Serviço de Atendimento e Acompanhamento Social - SAAS (missing translation)
Eco-Escolas (missing translation)
Lousada International Camellia Festival
A Tree Gives Life" campaign
Chegada da Primavera ao Centro Histórico (missing translation)
Sustainability in Municipal Markets
Forest School in Lousada (Pilot)
Mel “Mata de Vilar” (missing translation)
Mobile application for georeferencing and characterising water and sanitation leaks
Zebra crossings adapted for the blind
Environmental Education Plan 2024-2026
Hortas Escolares (missing translation)
Educação para o Risco (missing translation)
Programa Aldeias Seguras - Pessoas Seguras (missing translation)
Plano Municipal da Juventude (missing translation)
Users of the Visual Impairment Support Office took part in an adapted surf lesson
Housing Rehabilitation - Just a Change
Creation of the School of Health
Recuperação do sistema dunar da Praia Azul (missing translation)
Cross de Torres Vedras / 42nd Matos Velhos cross-country race
Aumento da estrutura verde urbana (missing translation)
Sensibilização da população para a prevenção de incêndios rurais (missing translation)
Restauração e reabilitação de linhas de água (missing translation)
International Intangible Cultural Heritage Day
Corrida Sempre Mulher" Solidarity Walk
Safe Internet
Free Pet Sterilisation Campaign
Góis Municipal Civil Protection Emergency Plan - PMEPC de Góis
FLII - Inland International Literary Festival "Words of Fire"
Portuguese for foreigners and English for Portuguese sessions
Municipal Teleworking Space: Góis Coworking
Góis Book Fair - 26th edition
Knitting and Labour Club
1st Active and Healthy Ageing Days
Water and Waste Pedagogical Service of the Municipal Water and Sanitation Services (SMAS)
Educational Service of the Environmental Education Centre
Cycling without age
Experimenta-te (missing translation)
Tavira Senior Month
Tavira Municipal Plan for the Integration of Migrants | PMIM Tavira
Homelessness Planning and Intervention Centre | NPISA Tavira
DTV Active Tourism
Requalification and Maintenance of Games and Recreation Areas
Municipal Waste Oil Collection Network
Beach "Accessible Beach Flag - Beach for All!"
Casa da Cidadania Salgueiro Maia (missing translation)
QualAr (missing translation)
Emigrant Support Office (GAE)
Inclusive Ticket Office
Observatory goes to school
"We are entitled to our rights"
European Mobility Week
Plano Municipal de Leitura Ambiente (missing translation)
Implementação de Eco-Ilhas na vila de S. João da Pesqueira (missing translation)
Social Card for the Elderly
Marginal Festival - Garden Party
Playing Street
Sunday walks
Seixal Municipal Social Charter
Citizen's Bureau of the Municipality of Seixal
Tertulias "Let's ask questions about..."
Seixal Film Club
Fauna and Flora Inventory
Love of Art
Social Participation Programme for Children and Young People in Social Vulnerability
Be Part of It - Torres Vedras Youth
Regulations for the Settlement and Collection of Fees and Issuance of Licences
Recovery of the Blue Forests
Virtual School Card - JI and EB1
Job Exchange
Professional Insertion Office (GIP)
FaMa - Matosinhos Handicraft Fair
School guardian
Key of Affections
Internet Space
Compost - Home and Community Composting
European waste prevention week
Get Moving®
Guimarães Ecological Footprint Project - Calculation of the municipality's Ecological Footprint and Biocapacity
REACTivar Guimarães - Renaturalisation of the Ave, Selho and Vizela River Green Corridors
Guimarães Gymnastics Academy
Health and Quality of Life Development Plan
Rede Social de Torres Vedras (missing translation)
Landscape and environmental regeneration of the Amiais Ditch
Zambujal Hillfort Enhancement Project
Professional Insertion Office for the borough's coastal parishes
Atividades de Enriquecimento Curricular (AEC) para as crianças do 1º ciclo do Ensino Básico (missing translation)
Support programmes for physical activity
BioHorta Escolar" programme
Projeto Mochila Leve (missing translation)
Projeto Jovens em Movimento (JM) (missing translation)
Programa de Educação Ambiental para as escolas (PEA) (missing translation)
Buy In Águeda
Gaia Learns + i
Mexa-se para a Vida – Desporto Sénior (missing translation)
Made in Funchal
Public School Textbook Network
Museus Portas Abertas (missing translation)
Parque do Barrocal - Atividades (missing translation)
Environmental Days
Apprentice for 1 Day - Lousada
Celorico de Basto Social Shop
"There's a Party in the Park
Compostagem Comunitária nos Recintos Escolares (missing translation)
Social Network Programme
Social Shop
Lousã "Cidade" Educadora
Ginja Project, Guru of Emotions
SOS van
Helphone - Help for those who live alone
Circular Cities Networks - Urban Economy for Circularity
Transfer of Powers from Municipalities to Parish Bodies
Shadow islands
Equipamentos Municipais com Iluminação LED (missing translation)
Junto dos nosso avós (missing translation)
Sports in the Educational Community
Exercise, Health and Well-being in the Third Age
Rede de Bibliotecas Municipais (RBM) (missing translation)
Plano Municipal para o Controlo e Prevenção da Bactéria Legionella (missing translation)
O CRO - Centro de Recolha Oficial de Animais de Companhia de Odemira (missing translation)
Out of the bin - Menstrual products
Municipal Used Cooking Oil (UCO) Collection Network
Festival Pombalino e Estátuas Vivas Barrocas (missing translation)
Quinta Pedagógica dos Olivais (CML)
Sea Fashion
Casa da Bicharada- CROAC Setúbal (missing translation)
BioEscola 360° Challenge
Work-life Balance Management System
Archaeology goes to school
The Sea Starts Here
Bowing Project
The poet makes himself
Oeiras Employment and Training Centre
Evening at the Market
Bread Festival
Conselho Municipal de Juventude (missing translation)
Trabalho em Rede: Respostas Integradas para a Inclusão Social (missing translation)
Acompanhamento de Pessoas Beneficiárias do Rendimento Social de Inserção (RSI) (missing translation)
Tap water
Vila Festival - Lousada
Lousada Gastronomic Weekend
Planting trees in urban areas
Blue Centre | Beach Library
Aproveitamento de Água de Origens Alternativas (missing translation)
Unidades Locais de Proteção Civil (missing translation)
Projeto Making Cities Resilient (missing translation)
CRO - Centro de Recolha oficial Animal (missing translation)
Dia da Saúde Mental (missing translation)
Western rhinoceros released into the Alcabrichel River
Robotics for All Festival
Where is he?
"Getting out without falling"
Between Mountains Project
PR3 - Caminho de Xisto de Sarzedas (missing translation)
Semana Municipal da Juventude (missing translation)
Festival Côa Summer Fest (missing translation)
Espaço Cidadão nas Juntas de Freguesia (missing translation)
Partnership Protocol - ARCIL (Góis Centre)
Once upon a time... Reading and Writing the World of Fantasy" project
Sustainable Lousada Environmental and Research Fund
Conselho Municipal de Educação de Oeiras (missing translation)
Municipal Regulations for Granting Subsidies
CULGÓIS - Cultural Agenda
Echoes of the Past: Between Conversations and Keys | Digital Literacy
Social Diagnosis of the Municipality of Góis 2024
Góis Municipal Bulletin
Living Equally Award 2024
Plano Agir - Torres Vedras (missing translation)
Apartamentos de transição - Casa da Esperança, Casa dos Corações e Apartamento ASAS (missing translation)
Space for Incubation and Hosting of Economic Activities in Ameixial
Senior Age Group | GIS Tavira
Local Support Centre for the Integration of Migrants | CLAIM Tavira
Loulé Safe Heart
Percursos Pedestres (missing translation)
Educational Programmes of the UNESCO World Geopark Naturtejo - in partnership with the Municipality of Idanha-a-Nova
Move Ojovem
Health Unit+
Programa AaZ - Ler Melhor, Saber Mais (missing translation)
Oeiras Educating City
Municipal Study Support Centre Programme
Brincar e Crescer Saudável em Oeiras (missing translation)
Indoor Air Quality Assessment
POM - Municipal Operational Plan
CLAIM - Local Support Centre for the Integration of Migrants
Medicines Solidarity Network - abem programme
Decentralisation of the Social Action Service
Happy Neighbourhood Project
My Digital Neighbourhood - Amora
Mais Polinizadores, Mais Biodiversidade (missing translation)
Funchal Alert
House of the Inquisition - A Sensory Experience
Footprints in the Mira - Municipal Walking Project
Summer holiday camp
Bicho de 7 Cabeças - simple conversations about Mental Health
Inclusion Desk
School scheme programme
Municipal Strategic Plan for Culture Setúbal 2030
Health Space
Door-to-door separate collection
Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy
Work in Viana
UVA - Active Life University
Cineteatro Municipal - Cinema Sénior (missing translation)
Biblioteca Municipal - Hora do Conto (missing translation)
Viana do Castelo Urban Ecological Park
North Coast Observatory
Sea Centre
Viana do Castelo Environmental Monitoring and Interpretation Centre
"Have lunch with me for my birthday"
"Dinner with My Parents in the School Restaurant"
"You choose lunch!"
Municipal Education Council
ATIVA-TE Programme
World Children's Day celebrations
Safe Village, Safe People programmes
Reforesting with Identity
Ecovia Litoral Norte
Municipal Plan for Equality and Non-Discrimination
Kindergarten social grants
Composting is Valuing
Municipal Youth Council
Joining the Mayors for Peace network
Sports Training
The Tit
Cascais Local Education Resource Guide
Family Activities
Keyboard Programme
“Inquieto” - Muito mais que um festival de música! (missing translation)
Lucanus - Journal of Environment and Society
Special Tariffs for Water Supply and Sanitation Services (TEAS) - Social and Family
Atlantic Breezes
Património Acessível – Cultural e Natural (missing translation)
Material Deprivation Support Resource Platform
Social grants for crèches
Education, information and awareness-raising on the beaches
Support for Social Responses in the Municipality of Ponte de Sor
Joining the National Network of Youth-Friendly Municipalities
Rede Social Oeiras (missing translation)
Digital Training Platform
Inclusive Matosinhos Programme
Networking Seniors
Mais Matosinhos" application
Politically Informed
Descubra o nosso concelho, a caminhar" (missing translation)
Implementation of the colourADD code
Study of Environmental Perceptions and Habits
Guimarães Educational Garden
Guimarães Municipality Bioresources Management Plan 2030
Guimarães More Forest
Quinta da Gruta Environmental Education Complex
My lunch
Cinema at School
Speech Therapy
Purchase of waste scrapers
Implementation of the Loulé Municipality Online Services
The SDGs at the Loulé Municipal Library
Floresta Comum (missing translation)
Torres Vedras Health Park for Multidisciplinary Care
Oeiras Victim Support Office
Colour identification system for the colour blind in school libraries
"Healthy and Active Elderly"
ÓNIS - Boleia para a Interculturalidade - Municipal Plan for the Integration of Migrants in the Municipality of Odivelas
Dia Municipal para a Igualdade | 24 de outubro (missing translation)
Poles of the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria (IPL) in Torres Vedras
Ginásio ao ar livre do Parque Verde da Várzea (missing translation)
Investment in Torres Vedras Hospital
"Sports Friendly Municipality"
Local Authority + Family Responsible
Conversion of Quinta do Passal
Seixal Territorial Pact for Intercultural Dialogue - Citizenship Space
Programme to subsidise works to conserve, repair or improve dilapidated housing
Encosta Programme - Urban and Social Regeneration of Encosta de São Vicente
Área Marinha Protegida da Foz Azul - Reserva Natural Local (missing translation)
Management of a local protected area - Serras do Socorro e Archeira Local Protected Landscape (PPLSSA)
Guimarães Welcomes
Drink tap water - Safe, healthy and sustainable
Programa de Sustentabilidade na Alimentação Escolar | PSAE (missing translation)
Municipal Education Project
Funchal Alert
“Agora Escolhe!” (missing translation)
Local Support Centres for the Integration of Migrants (CLAIM)
Realojamento em Habitação Social (missing translation)
Rede Local de Educação e Formação (missing translation)
Local Health Plan
Plano Estratégico de Turismo Sustentável para o concelho de Torres Vedras (missing translation)
GEO24 LOULÉ Platform
Torres Vedras Sustainable Urban Mobility Action Plan | PAMUS
Municipal Youth Plan
Protocol of Co-operation between the Municipality of Tavira and Grouping 100 of Tavira of the National Scout Corps
SDGs and the 48 Municipal Measures in Viana do Castelo
Curricular Enrichment Activities for the 1st Cycle of Basic Education
Family Support Component (CAF) and Family Support Activities (AAAF)
Bio-canteens for healthy eating
Municipal Environmental Education Action Plan
Summer workshops
Eco-Schools Programme
CAEMPE - Business Welcome Centre for Micro and Small Enterprises
Cycle path
Magic Ark
SDG game
SDGs in Action in Faial
Municipal network of micro-reserves
ABAAE Partnership
Cultural Protocol 7Two 7Moons Association
Converting paper into food
Increase and renovation of shaded areas in schools
Green Solidarity
Age+ Club
A More Sustainable Mafra
Preparation of Environmental and Sustainability Projects for which the Municipality is responsible
ECOXXI application
Be More- Education through Art
PEAS - Environmental Education for Sustainability Programme
A New Energy for Sustainable Mobility
PIBECIG – Plano de Intervenção para o Bem-Estar das Comunidades Ciganas (missing translation)
Dia da Floresta Autóctone (missing translation)
A Escola vai à Biblioteca (missing translation)
Ler a Dois (missing translation)
Digital Development for Children - ICT and Digital Citizenship
Conversas à Lareira (missing translation)
Histórias com Colo: Ver, Ler, Ouvir e Sentir (missing translation)
Sonhar e Encantar (missing translation)
Programa de promoção dos transportes públicos urbanos (missing translation)
Pombal com melhorAR (missing translation)
Programa de Empreendedorismo nas Escolas (missing translation)
Collection of bio-waste (including coffee grounds) and door-to-door tri-flow
Serviço de Atendimento e Acompanhamento Social Integrado (SAASI) de Oeiras (missing translation)
Requalificação de espaço público (missing translation)
Memorandum of Understanding for Carbon Neutrality in the Arrábida Territory
Máquina de Separação de resíduos (missing translation)
Hostel Social de Oeiras (missing translation)
Move for your City! (CML)
Investor Counter
The Hospitallers on the Road to Santiago (Historical Recreation)
Community of Readers
Municipal Ombudsman for People with Disabilities
Forest Surveillance Protocols
Walk With a Doc Viana do Castelo
Oral Health: Care in emergency situations and social vulnerability
Summer Concerts (Municipal Library Gardens, Senhora da Hora and Leça da Palmeira)
Promoting socio-emotional competences
Child Brings Adult
Non-teaching staff training
Programa abem: Rede Solidária do Medicamento (missing translation)
Meetings with Authors
Local Volunteer Bank of Odemira
100% mobility
Economic Aid: School Social Action
Endurance Training
School Fruit Scheme
Fundo de Emergência Social (missing translation)
Plano Local de Oeiras para as Demências (missing translation)
Programa Hortas Urbanas de Oeiras (missing translation)
Municipal Health on Wheels Programme - Mobile Health Unit
Dinamização da economia rural (missing translation)
Adaptação de espaços verdes e infraestruturas de rega (missing translation)
Regulação da ocupação de áreas expostas ao risco de incêndio (missing translation)
Recolha de dados no Posto de Turismo (missing translation)
Site Visite Castelo Branco (missing translation)
Apoio a refugiados no âmbito do programa Porta de Entrada (missing translation)
COPE - por uma ação climática de base local (missing translation)
Chico Ceras Park - Leisure and Outdoor Gym [multigenerational space]
Reabilitação do Rio Ovil (missing translation)
ÁGUA + : Rega do Parque desportivo com água reciclada (missing translation)
Overnight Centre for Homeless People | New Opportunities - Tavira
Collaboration protocol between the Municipality of Tavira, the Algarve Hunters' Federation and the Hunting Associations and Clubs
Lousada 100% LED
Municipal Operational Plan
Viana do Castelo Municipal Environment and Climate Action Council (CMAAC VC)
Re-use of administrative material
International Education Day
Seixal Best - Tourism Entrepreneur Centre
Municipal Plan for Equality and Non-Discrimination
Semana Europeia da Mobilidade (missing translation)
Semana Europeia da Mobilidade (missing translation)
Sousa Molinological and Forest Park
Municipal Environment Council
Carrying out evacuation exercises and drills - improving preparedness in the event of a risk.
Apoio às Associações Juvenis (missing translation)
Apoio aos Esco(u)teiros e Guias (missing translation)
MIGRA to Idanha-a-Nova
Idanha-a-Nova Creative City of Music - UNESCO Creative Cities Network
Access to Quality Water for the entire population
Intercultural Municipal Mediators
Landscape Together
Cadaval Senior University - "Arts and Knowledge Club"
Fernanda Botelho Arts Programme
Plano Operacional Municipal (missing translation)
Celorico de Basto Municipal Youth Council
World Animal Day Celebration
Pedagogical garden at Cadaval Primary and Secondary School - Cadaval School Grouping
Plano Municipal para a Integração de Migrantes da Amadora (missing translation)
Estratégia de Educação e Sensibilização Ambiental do Município de Setúbal (missing translation)
Home workshop
CLAIM - Local Support Centre for the Integration of Migrants
Nature Trails - Biospots and Biodiversity Stations
Social Radar
GAE - Emigrant Support Office
GIP - Professional Insertion Office
“Oeiras Experimenta” (missing translation)
PR2 - Looking at Montargil
Projeto Eixo Verde e Azul (missing translation)
Science Fair
PR3 - Along the Paths of the Battle of Vimeiro
ReSist - Municipal programme to promote the seismic resilience of private and municipal buildings and municipal urban infrastructures
Recuperação e reabilitação dos edifícios da Estação de Mondim de Basto e do seu património azulejar (missing translation)
Caldas da Rainha Library Network - RBCR
Árvore de Carbono (Carbon Tree) (missing translation)
ALBUS - Urban Transport of Albergaria-a-Velha
Semana Temática das Deficiências e Incapacidades (missing translation)
Extension of João de Deus Park
Food Education Programme
Accessible Tourism Guide - Setúbal Bay for Everyone
Guide to the rights and duties of pet owners
Tarouca Official Collection Centre
Nest House
First steps
Digital Transition Agenda
Honey and Chestnut Fair
Louzan Park
#viana-do-castelo - Educational Resources | Travelling Exhibitions
Travelling Library
Zero Carbon Sport
Making Music
Co-operation protocol for the ecological maintenance of classified areas in Viana do Castelo
Collaboration Protocol - strategic relations
Lousã Recycles +
(Re)afforestation of Green Spaces - Viana de Castelo
Geopark door network
Classification of Local Natural Monuments
New Quarteira Market
School Science and Scientific Research Support Network
Footsteps of Memory | Annual Walking Route Plan
Portuguese Coastal Path - Way of St James
Ecovia Rio Lima - Ecovia das Veigas
Trails of Man and Garrano
Intercultural tea
Air Quality and Noise Monitoring
Portuguese Pact for Plastics
Municipal Climate Change Adaptation Observatory
Municipal Footpath Network
Intercity routes
Separate More & Transform Better
Mafra Cycling
Mafra conVIDA to Sport
Strategic Plan for the Rehabilitation of Water Lines in the Municipality of Mafra - PERLA
Generation SEI+
Local Volunteer Bank
Mafra to Compost - from Plate to Earth
CLIMA.AML - AML Meteorological Station Monitoring Network
CLAIM - Local Support Centre for the Integration of Migrants
Safe Villages
Mafra Recycle for Real +
Emigrant Support Office (GAE)
Refurbishment to install the Mafra Inclusion Centre
Mafra - Social Network
Mafra is Music
Mafra Lives Healthy - Growing Active and Healthy
Municipal Strategy for Active and Healthy Ageing in the Municipality of Mafra
Municipal Plan for Equality and Non-Discrimination
Viana do Castelo on board the Digital Transition
International Coastal Cleanup Day 2023
Alto Minho ADAPT - Alto Minho Intermunicipal Climate Change Adaptation Plan
Viana do Castelo Coastal Geopark (aspiring)
Month of Play
Startup Angra
Growing Full-Time
Local Reading Plan - PLL
Education Gala
Intercultural Meeting of Knowledge and Flavours
It Could Be You
Food Programme
Eco Schools
RAINHAS - Shared electric bikes
Social Workshop Programme
Support for Non-Profit Organisations in the Municipality of Ponte de Sor
Associations Portal
JUNTAr - Materials and CDWs in circulation!
COM POZINHOS DE PERLIM...PIM...PIM... (missing translation)
Healthy School Project
Home Monster Collection
Collection of ordinary industrial waste
Selective Collection Businesses / Industries
Selective Collection of Organic Waste in Restaurants
Matosinhos: Accessible House
Matosinhos Youth Card
Municipal Plan to Combat Food Waste "Mirandela - A Sustainable Future"
Portuguese Healthy Cities Network
"Learn to..."
Biodiversity GO
BIM - Itinerant Library of Matosinhos
Managing the Risk of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Forest Fires - REMAS Interreg Sudoe
Healthy Lunches at JI's and EB1's
Strategic Sports Development Plan
Key of Affection - Telecare for the Elderly
“Network for role models” (missing translation)
Inclusion Desk
Urban Art Route in the Municipality of Odivelas
"Support Programme for the Promotion of Ethics in Sport"
"Torres Vedras Running
Introduction of organic food in school meals
Vila de Rei is a Zero Waste Municipality, as part of the Europe-wide certification promoted by the European non-profit organisation Mission Zero Academy (MiZA), driven by Zero Waste Europe
Strategic Tourism Development Plan for the Municipality - 2030
Local Housing Strategy for the Municipality of Torres Vedras
Oeiras Municipal Plan for Development and Innovation in Sport and Physical Activity
Municipal Climate Change Adaptation Strategy
SECAP - Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan
Conversations with Parents
Outside the box
Mértola 4Rs ReThink . Reduce . ReUse . Recycle - REPAIR CAFÉ
Litter-free walks
October - Food Month
Emprega-te a Fundo - Training Plan for Unemployed Citizens
Intermunicipal Climate Change Adaptation Plan
Municipal Equality Plan
Regulations for the Allocation of Municipal Incentives
GIP - Professional Insertion Office (Regular and Immigrant)
Rental Support
Energy and Water Efficiency in Municipal Sports Facilities
Áudio Guias - Parque do Barrocal (missing translation)
CIC - Competitive Intelligence Centre
BIO Poiares (missing translation)
Poiares Mais Sustentável "DOSE QB" (missing translation)
FUSILLI - produto do mês (missing translation)
Substituição de Coberturas com Amianto (missing translation)
Municipal Automatic External Defibrillation Programme
More efficient lighting at the Carlos Lopes Municipal Athletics Track
Photovoltaic panels installed at Escola Básica 2/3 São Gonçalo
Recolha Seletiva de Biorresíduos (missing translation)
Mostras Bibliográficas de Efemérides Dias Comemorativos (missing translation)
The library goes to school
Arrefecimento natural dos espaços urbanos (missing translation)
Sensibilização dos consumidores para o consumo de alimentos locais (missing translation)
A Biblioteca vai ao Hospital (missing translation)
Sons na Eira (missing translation)
Pombal Orgânico (missing translation)
Requalification/Expansion of the Padre José Agostinho Rodrigues Primary and Secondary School
Celebrating World Children's Day
Chá de Letras e Escrita com Livros | Meeting of Readers
PressReader (missing translation)
Primavera de Livros (missing translation)
Georeferencing Biodiversity
Audiovisual and exhibition material to publicise the Urban Biodiversity of Oeiras
Promoting selective waste collection systems in schools
Apoio a entidades que disponibilizam respostas alimentares (missing translation)
Outurela Entrepreneur Factory
Apoio à gestão do Consórcio de Oeiras (apoio alimentar) - Programa Temático Demografia, Qualificações e Inclusão - PESSOA 2023 (missing translation)
Atividades promotoras do envelhecimento saudável (missing translation)
Plano Municipal da Juventude (missing translation)
Municipal Automatic External Defibrillation Programme
abem programme: Medicines Solidarity Network
Municipal Rental Support Programme | PMAA Tavira
Safe Village, Safe People
Networking in Celorico de Basto
Training +Next
Door 10 - Study room
Vale de Milhaços Ecological Corridor
Operação Integrada Local (OIL) da Mina de Água (missing translation)
Control of the Vespa Velutina
Village Condominiums
TAD - Home telecare
Oral Health: Matosinhos Oral Health Project (SOMA)
São João da Pesqueira Wine Museum (MVP)
Friends of the Sea
Centro Qualifica do Município de Oeiras (missing translation)
Praia Acessível (missing translation)
Lousada Ponds
Gold Quality Award
Lisbon's Green Corridors (CML)
Lisbon Municipal Bicycle Train Programme (CML)
Dinamização dos Mercados Municipais (missing translation)
Local Support Centre for the Integration of Migrants (CLAIM)
Organic vegetable garden
Hortas Urbanas das Amoreiras (missing translation)
Green Tarouca
Renewal of the CARRIS Bus Fleet
Composting Green Waste
Interpretive Centre of the Portuguese Coastal Path
Musculoskeletal injury prevention awareness actions
Shared Monitoring Module with Citizens
Pilot Project-Biowaste Collection in Santo Amaro
Separating and reusing cooking oil - Raising awareness
Support for the Creation of Own Employment/Project
Training Plan - Tourism Sector
Equestrian Destination" Network
Municipal Book Fair
Environmental Charter of the Municipality of Seixal
Innovative Learning Spaces in the School as a Digital Habitat (EIA-EHD)
Renewal of the municipal fleet
Programme to renew the water supply network
Inova Miratejo Centre
Innovative Plans to Combat School Failure
Just a Change
CABINE DE LEITURA (missing translation)
Odemira's Municipal Climate Change Adaptation Strategy
Municipal Youth Plan
Abem Programme: Medicines Solidarity Network
Municipal Rental Support Programme
Control of the Vespa Velutina
School transport
RRRCICLO - Circular Economy in Guimarães
Reusing Treated Wastewater for Irrigation
Viana do Castelo Mobile Health Unit - Health Closer
Cycle of Conversations
Programa “Uma praça no meu bairro” – Requalificação urbana (missing translation)
Alargamento de horário do Serviço de Apoio Domiciliário (missing translation)
Oeiras home telecare service
'Oeiras Is There!
Projeto Rota da Sensibilização Ambiental - Eco-Conselheiros (missing translation)
Oeiras Community Valley - Oeiras Solidarity Programme
Rental Support Programme
“Agostinhas” - Bicicletas Públicas de Torres Vedras (missing translation)
Gaia Learns +
Forest on the Lines 20.30" programme
Let's Compost
Municipal Horticultural Parks
Local Plan for the Inclusion of the Gypsy Community - PLICC
Viana embraces the valorisation of organic waste
Metrominuto - pedestrian mobility
Environmental Awareness Activities - Environment and Wetlands Sector
Technical and Operational Releases
Social and Environmental Shop
Dia Internacional dos Museus (missing translation)
Pinion Fair
Comissão Municipal de Proteção Civil (CMPC) (missing translation)
Plano Municipal de Fomento da Floresta Autóctone (missing translation)
Reflorestar Pombal (missing translation)
Conselho Municipal de Saúde (missing translation)
Comissão Municipal de Gestão Integrada de Fogos Rurais de Pombal (missing translation)
Transformação Digital no Agrupamento de Escolas da Guia (missing translation)
Municipal Biodiversity Day
Celorico de Basto Labour Exchange
Sports in Schools
Citizen Space
Blue Centre
Mafra Recycle for Real +
EU sou no musEU (missing translation)
Oficina do Traje Histórico (missing translation)
Environmental Interpretation Centre
Eco School Card Project
Affections Day
AnimArq - The archive goes to your school!
Youth in Action
T(r)ocar & Reparar - Technical Aid Bank
Foz Côa to Feel the Heritage
Prevenção das complicações associadas à diabetes tipo 2 (missing translation)
Programa Municipal de Apoio Social à Beneficiação Habitacional (missing translation)
Programa de Ação Social Direta (missing translation)
CLAIM - Local Support Centres for the Integration of Migrants (CLAIM)
Passeio Sénior (missing translation)
Banco de Ajudas Técnicas (missing translation)
Gabinete de Psicologia (missing translation)
Gabinete de Apoio ao Emigrante (missing translation)
Allocation of computers to all children entering 1st grade
"School vouchers
Municipal Education Day
Inclusive Pedagogical Forest
Increased subsidies for pupils in the borough's schools
Local Housing Strategy - 1st Right Programme
Abem Card
Municipal Card for the Elderly (CMI)
Luggage Fair
Celebrating Native Forest Day
Agenda distribution - Climate Action, SDGs and others
Actions to sensitise the population in the area of human safety and urban and rural heritage
Dematerialisation / procedural economy
Mills Project
Projeto “Praia Acessível – Praia para Todos” (missing translation)
Safe Beach Project
Birdwatching project
Vila Sénior Municipal Card
Programa de Conservação e Proteção do Sistema Dunar da Praia do Osso da Baleia (missing translation)
UTICA - University of the Third Age of the Municipality of Azambuja
International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia, 17th May
Odemira Senior University
Animation and Family Support Activities (AAAF) and Family Support Component
Celebration of Non-Teaching Workers' Day
CLIMAAT 100 Project (Theatre Play + Children's Book)
Family Responsible Municipalities
Conselho Local de Ação Social - CLAS (missing translation)
CIAC - Marco de Canaveses Municipal Consumer Information Centre
Viana do Castelo Municipal Culture Council
Local Housing Strategy
Hortas Sociais da Quinta dos Chinco – Sustentabilidade e Inclusão Social (missing translation)
Programa Habitar Castelo Branco Solidário (missing translation)
Regulamento Municipal de Apoio à Prática Desportiva (missing translation)
Uma tonelada de oportunidades (missing translation)
Comemoração do Dia Internacional da Limpeza Costeira (missing translation)
Coastwatch - Pombal (missing translation)
Reabilitação e valorização ambiental do Rio Arunca (missing translation)
Planeamento da mobilidade suave na cidade de Loulé (missing translation)
Nutrição (missing translation)
Dispensadores de água (missing translation)
Preservation and recovery of dune systems on the Torres Vedras coastline
Permanent and Temporary Exhibitions
Agenda 2030 and the Major Planning Options
Punctual Payment Commitment 2025" label
Alenquer Municipal Library - Books at story time
Setúbal Beaches for Everyone
Centro de Interpretação Ambiental de Castelo Branco (missing translation)
Castelo Branco Municipal Emergency and Civil Protection Plan (PMEPC CB)
Vespa Velutina (missing translation)
Invoices available in Braille
Instalação de prados em espaços verdes da Cidade (missing translation)
Use of water from alternative sources
Geopark Naturtejo Mundial da UNESCO (missing translation)
Dia Mundial do Turismo (missing translation)
Aplicação CB Rotas (missing translation)
3ESC.E8G - Educação, Saúde e Cidadania (missing translation)
Parque Verde Urbano de Pombal (missing translation)
Feira Nacional de Artesanato e Tasquinhas de Pombal (missing translation)
Rota Botânica (missing translation)
Estação da Biodiversidade do Vale dos Poios (missing translation)
Trilho do Picoto (missing translation)
Rota do Azeite (missing translation)
Rota do Paleolítico (missing translation)
Grande Rota Terras de Sicó (missing translation)
Vigilância e controlo da Vespa velutina no território do concelho de Pombal (missing translation)
Gabinetes de Inserção Profissional (missing translation)
Rehabilitation of the Alter do Chão Municipal Swimming Pool
Municipal Day for Equality
Programme to Promote Inclusive Sports Practice
Trail Adventure
OTF - Holiday Occupation Programme
Sons do Vez Festival
Séniores + Ativos (missing translation)
Conselho Municipal de Segurança de Oeiras (CMSO) (missing translation)
Joining the National Network of Youth-Friendly Municipalities
Sports Friendly Municipality" award
App Oeiras Move (missing translation)
Semana da Proteção Civil (missing translation)
Projeto MILAGE - MathematIcs bLended Augmented GamE (missing translation)
Passos em Volta (missing translation)
Baú de Estórias (missing translation)
Centros de Apoio ao Estudo (CAE) (missing translation)
Feira do Livro Solidária (missing translation)
Atividades de Enriquecimento Curricular (missing translation)
Villa Oeiras wine
Oeiras Mental Health Unit
Plano de Atuação para as Condições Atmosféricas Adversas (missing translation)
Gabinetes de Inserção Profissional (GIP) (missing translation)
Emunicipa-te (missing translation)
Vehicle for Environmental Education at School
Summer library
COP Oeiras Valley | Protocol United Nations Association Portugal
"Neptune's Awakening"
CRAI - Intermunicipal Animal Collection Centre (Cadaval and Bombarral)
Collaboration Protocol for Forest Surveillance between the Municipality of Tavira and Infantry Regiment No. 1 of the Portuguese Army
Municipal Positive Ageing Programme
Mediterranean Seasonal School Menu
Programa MUN SI (parceria) (missing translation)
Out of the Waste - Bio-waste
Municipality of Celorico de Basto Reinforces Health Services with Electric Vehicles Financed by the PRR
Dog parks
Youth Participatory Budgeting
Semana de Prevenção e Combate à Violência Doméstica (missing translation)
Walking tracks
Programa de Apoio ao Acesso à Habitação - 1.º Direito (missing translation)
Remodelação da Rede de Abastecimento da Rede de Água do Tanque (missing translation)
EBio-Estação da Biodiversidade de Montejunto (missing translation)
Passe municipal e metropolitano Navegante (missing translation)
Encontros de Educação de Oeiras (missing translation)
Municipal Regulations for Granting Social Benefits to the Torres Vedras Volunteer Fire Brigade
Parque Urbano da Várzea (missing translation)
Oeiras Film Club
PMI – Project Management Institute (missing translation)
Ginasticar a brincar (missing translation)
Desporto na escola (missing translation)
Troféu de atletismo de cascais (missing translation)
Nadar a brincar (missing translation)
Cascais Ativo – É Desporto para Todos (missing translation)
Contingency Plan for the Municipality of Góis - Drought Situation
Feira da Saúde de Celorico de Basto (missing translation)
PMDFCI - Municipal Forest Fire Defence Plan
Large Volume Waste Collection (Monos)
Multisensory Energy Garden
Rota Pombalina (missing translation)
Electric Vehicle Charging
Balcão da Inclusão (missing translation)
OP Municipal Neighbourhood Laveiras 2023/24
CLDS 4G Mirandela - Generations on the Move
Academia do Ensino Superior de Mafra - Instituto Politécnico deTomar (Professional Higher Technical Courses - CTESP)
Navegante School Card (CML)
Paper Mill
Stork Trail and Horse and Owl Trail
Quinta do Pisão - Nature Park
Himalaya creativity workshops - Arcos Ciência Viva Centre
Viver+Viver Melhor - Integrated Municipal Primary Prevention Programme for People with Obesity and Cardiovascular Risk
VIVER ATIVO - Municipal Physical Activity Programme for Seniors
Launch yourself
Annual Education Conference
Municipal Education Programme for Art and Experimental Sciences
Portuguese Network of Healthy Municipalities
Mobile Health Unit - Bringing healthcare closer to the people of Tarouquense
GAJA - Gabinete de Apoio a Jovens e Adolescentes (missing translation)
Varosa Fest
Digital Ramp
I am Municipal Digital
European Charter for Sustainable Tourism in Alto Minho
Bacias de Retenção de Guimarães (missing translation)
Gastronomic weekend
Industry Vocational Training Section
Municipal Week to Combat Invasive Vegetation
Tree planting
Municipal Footpath Network
Electric Mobility in the Municipality - Santa Luzia Lift
WebAPP ""
Beaches "Accessible Beach Flag - Beach for All"
Incentives to retain general practitioners
Blue Flag" beaches
Gold Quality Beaches
World Tourism Day
Beaches with the code "ColorADD - Inclusive Beach"
European Mobility Week - 2023
St James the Greater Apostle Day St James the Greater
Paul da Pedreira do Cabo da Praia Environmental Interpretation Centre
Meetups - Tourism Sector
ECO ESCOLAS - Award for the 2022-2023 school year
Butt hunting - Sorraia river beach
Awareness-raising campaign on Coruche's river beach - Blue Flag
Awareness-raising campaign on Coruche's river beach - Blue Flag
Awareness-raising campaign on Coruche's river beach - Blue Flag
Awareness-raising campaign on Coruche's river beach - Blue Flag
Awareness-raising campaign on Coruche's river beach - Blue Flag
Awareness-raising campaign on Coruche's river beach - Blue Flag
Awareness-raising campaign on Coruche's river beach - Blue Flag
Awareness-raising campaign on Coruche's river beach - Blue Flag
Discovering the Geodiversity of Odeceixe Beach".
Serra de São Mamede Ecological Corridor Network
Senhora da Lapa Trail
Reguengo Walking Route
Alegrete Walking Route
Nisa Stream Walking Trail
Cold Room Route
Route of the Carreiras Quartzite Ridge
Pilgrimage Route of the Lord of the Afflicted
Municipal Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change in Viana do Castelo - EMAAC VC
Municipal Scholarships
Municipal Walking and Running Centre (Loulé and Quarteira)
Lexplore + Reading
iNova School 2025
World Tree Day
Encouraging births and supporting the family
Geologist Me?" competition
Arrábida without cars
Website dedicated to the environment and climate change
Onion Fair
Montado and Lezíria Superfoods Programme
Practise +
Alto Alentejo Games
A full house
Story Time
Portalegre Tapestry - Valorisation, Promotion, Dissemination and Projection
Cascais + Solidarity Programme
Celebração do Dia Mundial da Alimentação (missing translation)
Environment in the Park
Cascais Environmental Education Guide
Cascais Environmental Education Programme
Air Quality and Meteorological Sensor Network
Coffee capsule collection campaign
More glass, More recycling
Ecocentre Network
Open Weeks
Rede de Aldeias do Calcário (RAC) (missing translation)
Poiares says STOP to Pampas Weed
Bengal Programme - "Caring for those who care"
Solidarity Stretch
Corporate Sustainability Guide
Single Menu
ECO-INNOVATION Good Sustainability Practices MANUAL
Digital Environment Platform Viana do Castelo
"Knowing to protect" - Thematic sessions
Full-time school
Guimarães' good practices in the management and sustainable use of water (CApt2)
JIL - Interactive Reading Games
Matosinhos Active
BioRegistro - Citizen Science Platform
Cineteatro Louletano, a diverse and accessible programme
Allocation of Financial Support
Report on the State of Spatial Planning in the Municipality of Loulé
Qualidade Ambiental das Praias (missing translation)
Organising events on animal issues
Smart bins
Educar para Cuidar (missing translation)
Tell me about it...
Support for environmental volunteering activities
Ecos da Natureza (missing translation)
School regime
Participatory Budgeting in Odemira
Workshop: Nest Box Construction
Local Volunteer Bank
REDA Programme
Fitsenior Programme
Programa Oficina Coral (missing translation)
Active School - Combating Childhood Obesity in the Municipality of Torres Vedras
Guimarães 65+
Support 65 Programme - Older People in Safety
Holiday camps
Senior Sports
Eco Schools Programme
Mission to Educate III
The usual suspects?
EcoVolunteering in Vez
Environmental Education Project
Electron School
Municipal Environmental Surveillance System
Leiria Municipal Climate Change Adaptation Plan (PMAAC-L)
Wind Energy Production in Torres Vedras
Scholarships - NEOEN
Plan for the Prevention of Risks of Corruption and Related Offences
abem programme: Medicines Solidarity Network
Partnership support programme for the economically disadvantaged
Merit scholarships
Local Support Centre for the Integration of Migrants
Rede Social (missing translation)
Strategy for the Selective Collection of Municipal Waste
Health centre construction project
Faial Sports Association Support Programme (PADEF)
Faial Municipal Support Programme for Associations (PMAAF)
The Little House of Books
Limpeza da zona balnear (missing translation)
Serviço de Metrologia (missing translation)
Conselho Municipal de Segurança (missing translation)
Gabinete de Apoio à Inovação e ao Empreendedorismo (GAIE) (missing translation)
Programa de acolhimento a Animais de companhia provenientes da Ucrânia (missing translation)
Cultural and Sports Project "Faial Uma Ilha - 13 Parishes"
SOS Frogs on the Road
Visitas de estudo ao CPR Faial (missing translation)
Todos a Separar! O Ambiente e o Faial ficam a ganhar! (missing translation)
BUG - Technological Innovation Laboratory
Youth Plan
CMAJ - Municipal Council for Youth Affairs
CLAIM - Local Support Centre for the Integration of Migrants in Idanha-a-Nova
Idanha-a-Nova Bio-Region Market
Urban Solid Waste Collection - electric vehicle
3rd Edition of the Canine Vaccination and Electronic Identification Campaign
Urban Solid Waste Management
Celorico de Basto Municipal Education Council
Celorico de Basto's Municipal Plan for Equality and Non-Discrimination
Balcão de Inclusão - Atendimento Especializado (missing translation)
Plano de Ação para a área da Deficiência (missing translation)
Instalação de ninhos para Chapins para controlo da praga da processionária do pinheiro (missing translation)
Medicação "O que fazer?" (missing translation)
World Surfing Tour - VISSLA PRO ERICEIRA
Free Wi-Fi points in the municipality
Torres Vedras Health Park for Multidisciplinary Care
Accessible Beach
Eco-Schools Programme Mafra
Malveira Fair
Cerco Garden
Covenant of Mayors - Energy and climate
Support for the prevention of forest fires in the Funchal Ecological Park
Office for victims of domestic violence - West + Equality
CTRL+ Study
Municipal Plan for Equality and Non-Discrimination
Setúbal's 2nd Generation Education Charter
International Day of the Educating City
Educational Charter of the Municipality of Horta
Composting goes to school
Municipal Sustainable Development Week
Municipal Seminar on Sustainable Development
Discovering the Environment
Discover Mata do Sobral - Geocaching Network
Lousã Walking Route Network
Unidade Móvel de Saúde (missing translation)
Junior University Merit Award
Merit Award for Secondary School Graduation
Boating in Schools
FITA in Ponte de Sor
Bolina - International Clown Festival
Arts and Culture Centre Anniversary
National Odyssey - Ponte de Sor
October Music Month
Loulé Cultural Quarter
Cultural Protocols
Rice Festival
Ponte de Sor Social Housing
Rehabilitation and Environmental Valorisation of the Neiva River
Guardians Project
Capt2 - Circularity of water by all and for all
Protocol with the Victim Support Association (APAV)
Municipal Equality Plan
Sustainable Urban Mobility Action Plan (PAMUS)
Walking Cities and Towns
European Mobility Week
Celebrating International Youth Day
Youth Friendly Municipality Seal
Ponte de Sor Municipal Youth Council
Transport promotion programme - TOMA
Plano Integrado e Inovador de Combate ao Insucesso Escolar (missing translation)
NegaWatt (2023 - 2024)
Study of the characterisation of waste produced by companies located in the Municipality of Cascais, with an emphasis on waste from the secondary sector
Study of the characterisation of waste produced by Cascais City Council
POS Christmas campaign
Cleaning and unclogging water lines
Analysing and Issuing Opinions on Various Licensing Processes in the Services portal - backoffice, within the scope of the Maritime Public Domain
Application - Healthy Beach
Application - Beach + Accessible
Application - Accessible Beach
Application - Beach, Blue Flag
Bathing Season
Municipal Environmental Education Plan
Education, Information and Environmental Awareness
Rehabilitation and Stabilisation of the Banks of the River Lizandro" (18 points)
Strategic Plan for the Rehabilitation of Water Lines in the Municipality of Mafra (PERLA)
Cleaning and Unclogging Water Lines in the Municipality of Mafra
Land Exchange
School gardens
Lx Aquila
CLIMA.AML (Mafra) - AML Meteorological Station Monitoring Network
AML Metropolitan Climate Change Adaptation Plan (PMAAC-AML)
Mafra Meteorological Station Network
Climate Action Plan (PAC 2030)
Municipal Strategy for Adaptation to Climate Change (EMAAC)
Municipal Equality Plan
ADOPT Campaign
Digital Community Agenda
Eco-Schools Programme
EcoValue Programme
Festival of Water and Time - Clepsidra
"Primeira Onda - Educational surf and sea knowledge programme"
Full-time School Choirs for Children and Youth - Musical and Social Development
All Dance - Development of Body and Expressive Skills for Children and Young People
Biblioteca Itinerante de Pombal (missing translation)
Cowork Pombal (missing translation)
Sarapatel Fortnight
Museology - Synagogue
Programa Municipal de Apoio ao Arrendamento Jovem - Vive Pombal (missing translation)
Programa de Turismo Sénior (missing translation)
Flow Reducers for Domestic Consumers on the Public Water Supply Network
Municipal Equality Week
Portinho Coastal Clean-up for World Earth Day
Energy Efficiency Measures in Municipal Swimming Pools
Words with sounds
Let's study
Housing improvements
Psychological Support - SAF
Combating Unbilled Water in the Municipality of Fornos de Algodres
LED lighting at traffic lights
E.M.A #schoolsuccess
O MAR PRECISA DE NÓS (missing translation)
Earth Market
Earth Market
For Us!
Controlo e aproveitamento da biomassa florestal (missing translation)
Regulação do desempenho energético e térmico de edifícios (missing translation)
Plataforma de Associativismo (missing translation)
Habitação Social (missing translation)
Pombal Florido (missing translation)
Jornadas do Arunca (missing translation)
Semana sobre Espécies Invasoras (missing translation)
Praia Limpa! Mais Segura (missing translation)
Rota pela Água (missing translation)
Vamos criar uma horta? (missing translation)
Pombal sem Incêndios Depende de Todos (missing translation)
Projeto de recuperação da Mata Nacional do Urso (missing translation)
Conselho Municipal de Educação (missing translation)
Festival Sete Sóis Sete Luas (missing translation)
Setúbal Health Forum Thinking of You
"POLÍCIA MUNICIPAL SOU EU!" (missing translation)
Monitoring system for streams, areas subject to flooding and sanitation
Tavira Solidarity Programme | Social Meals
Solidarity gardens
Vegetarian meals at the School Group
Formação Birdwatching (missing translation)
Expansion and closure of public water supply systems
Basic Sanitation - Access for all
Free activity books for students enrolled in the 1st cycle of basic education
Museum Centres
Sweet Easter
Choose a beach and get ready before you leave home!
Artistic Training Projects in the Municipality of Campo Maior
Inclusion Centre of the Municipality of Campo Maior
School Scheme Project
Transporte Escolar (missing translation)
I want to be a scientist
Towers in the Centre
Municipal Council for Immigrants, Integration and Interculturalism
County Futsal Championship
Fonte Cultural and Social Centre
Easter Market
Rehabilitation of the Covato water reservoir
Christmas Market
Royal Ice Factory National Monument
360° view of Castelo Branco
Senior + ACTIVE
Provision of 4 electric vehicles to Health Units
Parque de Lazer da Ilha (missing translation)
Parque de Lazer do Vale da Sobreira (missing translation)
Parque Verde do Açude (missing translation)
Beachcam MEO - praia do Osso da Baleia (missing translation)
Carta Municipal da habitação (missing translation)
Feira do livro (missing translation)
Municipal Youth Volunteering Programme
Municipal Plan for Equality and Non-Discrimination
Lousada Gardens
Arcos à Mesa" Gastronomic Cycles
Sensibilizar para os Resíduos com os Jovens (missing translation)
Projeto Microbioma Comunidade Portugal (missing translation)
Plano de Ação Energia e Clima de Oeiras (PAECO 2030+) (missing translation)
Carta Educativa e o Plano Educativo Municipal de Oeiras (missing translation)
Centro Comunitário do Alto da Loba (missing translation)
Dia Internacional do Microrganismo (missing translation)
Lab in a Box (LIB) (missing translation)
Bauhaus of the Seas (missing translation)
Water Campaign: "Drop by drop for a better future"
FAST-TRACK CITIES OEIRAS (missing translation)
Semana da Saúde Mental (missing translation)
CuiDando (missing translation)
Razões de Sobra (missing translation)
Home 360º (missing translation)
Programa “Eu Passo…” (missing translation)
Programa "Crescer a Brincar" (missing translation)
Programa “Nina e Nina" (missing translation)
Postos de Enfermagem (missing translation)
Adesão Movimento Cidade dos Afetos (missing translation)
Assembleia Municipal Jovem (missing translation)
Forest Week
Roteiro Natural da Serra de Montejunto (Alenquer/Cadaval) (missing translation)
CIAC - Greater proximity to consumers living in the more distant parishes of Tavira.
"Violence is not acceptable in Faro, full stop!"
"Golden Beach 2024" and "Blue Flag"
"Youth Friendly Municipality"
Idanha-a-Nova Passport
Numerous Family Card
Home workshop
Senior Card
Discovering the 25th of April
Valete Vos Viatores: travelling through Latin inscriptions across the Roman Empire
IGAEDIS - From Civitas Igaeditanorum to Egitania. The construction and evolution of the city and the definition of its territories from Roman times to the donation of the Knights Templar (1st to 12th centuries)
EcológiTa - Environment, Sustainability and Active Citizenship
ABEM Programme (medicines)
Nova Rede de oleões (missing translation)
Music Workshop in Celorico de Basto
Official Collection Centre for Companion Animals (CRO)
1st Conference on Valuing the Territory of Celorico de Basto
Ação "Ingresso no Mercado de Trabalho" (missing translation)
CLDS 4G Celorico + Social (missing translation)
Comissão de Proteção de Crianças e Jovens - CPCJ (missing translation)
Workshop da Técnica de Kokedame com Aromáticas (missing translation)
Decentralised Consultations - Mobile Health Unit
Gabinete Girassol - Apoio a Vítimas de Violência Doméstica e de Género (missing translation)
Pinheiros para Abrilhantar o Natal! (missing translation)
Collaboration Protocol with UTAD and EPAESN - Strategic partnerships to boost knowledge and the economy around Camellias
Castro de Pragança Museum Centre
Amadora City Race (missing translation)
AmaSénior Viva + (missing translation)
STAPA - Serviço Teleassistência (missing translation)
Oficina Multiserviços (missing translation)
Plano Local para a Intervenção na área do VIH e SIDA na Amadora 2019-2025 (missing translation)
Oferta Desportiva (missing translation)
Geopark West
Intervenção com pessoas em situação de sem abrigo (missing translation)
App Amadora Educa (missing translation)
Planos Inovadores de Combate ao Insucesso Escolar/Escol@s Digitais (missing translation)
Avisos Meteorológicos e Alertas da Proteção Civil (missing translation)
Academia Sénior – Proteção Civil Amadora (missing translation)
Apoio ao Cuidador (missing translation)
Plano Local para o Envelhecimento Sustentável 2018-2025 (PEES) (missing translation)
Rede Social (missing translation)
Viaturas abandonadas na via pública (missing translation)
Cartão Amadora 65+ (missing translation)
Mostra de Teatro das Escolas (missing translation)
Transporte Escolar (missing translation)
Amadora Jazz (missing translation)
Serviço de Atendimento Especializado a Vítimas de Violência (missing translation)
School Merit Award
Aqui Há Horta" project
Business Accommodation Areas
Recolha Seletiva de Biorresiduos (missing translation)
Technical Aids Bank
Inclusion Desk
Psychological Support Service
Wonder of the Sado
Plano de Erradicação de Xenopus laevis (rã-de-unhas-africana) (missing translation)
Elderly Card
Social Assistance and Accompaniment Service -SAAS
Biosphere Certification
Training + Next
Improving Energy Efficiency at the Sousel Sports Complex
Improving Energy Efficiency at the Sousel Municipal Library
PR1 - Ribeira de Sor trail
José Luís Peixoto Literary Prize
Support Centre for Entrepreneurs and Investors of the Municipality of Oeiras
Business Factory
Air and noise monitoring
Eco-Schools Sesimbra
Lagoa Pequena Interpretive Centre
Programa Ciência + Cidadã (missing translation)
Neighbourhood Market
The Library supports the SDGs
Training, Capacity Building and Employability Programme
Rehabilitation and Expansion of the Ponte de Sor Health Centre
Capital of Rural Tourism
Consumer Support Office
Lousã Castle Interpretation and Welcome Centre
Momo - Circus Museum
Education Observatory
Celebrating Water
Anti-rabies vaccination and electronic identification
Whistleblower Portal
#viana-do-castelo - Educational Resources | Resource Centre
Municipal Equality Plan
Reading in Viana
Town Hall Music School
International Museum Day
Viana do Castelo Embroidery Certification
Book Fair
Local Housing Strategy
Portuguese lessons for foreigners
Programme to support associations
Municipal + Family Programme
The Sea Starts Here" project
MESMO - Mafra Space for Mental and Occupational Health
Local Integrated Operation Milharado
Inclusion Desk
Surf Guide
Fishing Guide
Psychological Support Office
Caring Next
Organ edition "Dois Séculos de Música, Orgãos do concelho de Mafra" (Two Centuries of Music, Organs of the municipality of Mafra)
School Awareness Raising
Accessible, Inclusive and Socially Responsible Events
Municipal Security Council
Municipal Police Service
Marine Protected Area of Community Interest (AMPIC)
Municipal Telecare Service
Mobility Observatory
Local Support Centre for the Integration of Migrants
Installation of interactive billboards in the historic centre of Mafra and the Mafra & Ericeira Experience app
Mafra Requalifies
Detail Plans
Brand M and brand E
CEI and CEI+ projects
Draft Regulations for the Concession of the Right of Private Use of Public Space for the Installation of Electric Vehicle Battery Charging Points in Public Access Locations in the Municipality of Mafra
Adapting the municipal car fleet
Animation and Family Support Activities (AAAF) and the Family Support Component (CAF)
ABEM Programme/Card - Medicines Solidarity Network
Operational Programme to Support the Most Deprived People (POAPMC)
Dog-Friendly Beach
Environmental Volunteering | Cleaning up Natural Areas
Planning and Management of Green Spaces in the Viana do Castelo Urban Ecological Park
Educating Cities
Vale Lourenço Trail
Viana do Castelo Carbon Footprint Study
School transport
Feira das Tuas Opções - Guidance, Education and Vocational Training
Anchor Project
Setúbal Organic Market
Ageless Ser
Zero Pollution Project
Assistance and help for bathers all year round
Restoration of the Fishermen's Wharf
Avencas Maritime Protected Area - AMPA
Education Portal
EcoSchools Programme
Intercultural mediators
Themed exhibitions on the Cascais/Estoril sea wall
Parede Beach Rehabilitation and Enhancement Project
Jellyfish Awareness Campaign
Recreating Christmas
Social Inclusion and the Fight against Poverty
European Week for Waste Reduction
Mealhada Bike Lab - laboratory for the bicycle
Collection of End-of-Life Vehicles
PAPERSU of the municipality of Matosinhos
Environmental Management and Information System
Senior IT
Senior English
Senior Sitting Dance
Caring for those who care" project
Sports activities to promote health
Lourinhã Visual Impairment Support Service - SADV
Plano Estratégico de Reabilitação do Edificado Escolar (missing translation)
Super S" Challenge - Healthy and Sustainable Eating
Mobile Ecocentre
School milk
Malga Project
Monthly Menu
Shared scooters and electric bikes
Scholarships for local higher education students
World Press Photo 2022 as part of the 2030 Agenda
Increasing the municipality's fleet with electric mobility
Oeiras Organic Market
Integrated Action Plan for Disadvantaged Communities (PAICD)
Celebrating World Tree and Water Days
Civil Protection Day
Together we make a difference!
Municipal Consumer Information Centre (CIAC) in Seia
"Horta Viva" - Community gardens
Fish fauna monitoring and rehabilitation project
Green Week
Home workshop
Robotics for everyone" Educational Service
Municipality distributes 'First Intervention Fire Kits' to villages in the municipality
Fundão Migration Centre
Rolhão - Recycling Cork Stoppers
Eco-batteries - collection in schools
Forest Gardens in Schools
Fresh on Wheels
Owl of Knowledge - Mobile Library
Housing Comfort Improvement Programme
Active ageing
Carnaval das escolas (missing translation)
Used cooking oil collection
From Little
Municipal Education Project
Citizen Proximity Centre
Municipal Climate Change Adaptation Observatory
Door-to-door cardboard collection in commercial establishments
Forestry Sappers Co-operation Protocol
My Street, help the Municipality
Pim Pam CLum – Programa de Promoção de Competências de Linguagem (missing translation)
EMISE - Multidisciplinary School Health Intervention Team
Emissão de plantas de localização (missing translation)
Pombal Wifi (missing translation)
Rehabilitation of Rua de Santo António n.º 3 and Rua do Comércio n.º 39, in Alter do Chão
Equipa para a Igualdade na Vila Local de Oeiras (missing translation)
Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP)
Collection of rubbish and green waste
Citizen science - Biodiversity
Literacia em Saúde (missing translation)
Médico em Casa (missing translation)
Programa Voluntários Jovem Cascais (missing translation)
Issuing Location Plans
Lançamento do Livro "Salgueiro Maia o Herói do 25 de Abril" (missing translation)
Cortejo Etnográfico de Celorico de Basto (missing translation)
Aquisição de uma viatura elétrica, do tipo miniautocarro, e de um ponto de carregamento rápido (missing translation)
Orçamento Participativo (missing translation)
Municipal AED Programme
Integrated Awareness Programme - Municipal Civil Protection Service
Oeiras Interactive Platform
Sorraia River Beach
Rehabilitation of the left bank of the River Sorraia
Editions with themes related to the municipality and/or local authors
(Re)arborização de espaços verdes e criação de ilhas-sombra em meio urbano (missing translation)
Wine & Blues Festival
Labour gymnastics
Adopt a composter
MOOOVI Project - Angra Bike Sharing
3D design
Municipal Regulations to Support the Improvement of Housing Conditions
Certification of the paper used in the Municipal Magazine, Municipal Agenda and Agenda of the Torres Vedras Cine Theatre
Setúbal "Com.posto tem + valor” - recolha seletiva de biorresíduos (missing translation)
Coruche Municipality's new online services platform
Holiday Centre 2023
Coruche Triathlon in the Village
Collective Efficiency Strategy "PROVERE _ Cork and Cork Oak Forest"
Local Trade Incentive Programme "Shops with People"
Mexe-te nas Férias (missing translation)
Participatory Budgeting in Oeiras
Financial support for heating
Serviço de Transporte Adaptado (missing translation)
Saúde +: Comparticipação nas despesas com medicamentos pelo Município de Oeiras (missing translation)
Bolsas de Estudo para munícipes estudantes do Ensino Superior (missing translation)
Agenda da Natureza (missing translation)
Projeto de Compostagem Doméstica (missing translation)
Green infrastructure in the city's adaptation to climate change - LIFE LUNGS
Monitoring Water Quality in Public Fountains in the Municipality of Fornos de Algodres
Town Hall Multi-Service Building - More Sustainable Lighting
Brincadeiras Health Centre
EU SEPARO E VOCÊ? (missing translation)
Universal access to basic sanitation
Promoting local commerce at the Farmers' Market
Requalification and valorisation of the Aljezur Stream
Flow monitoring by telemetry systems in the water supply network
VER PAR ACRER (missing translation)
Horta Municipal Council for Youth, Science and Knowledge
Campanha de sensibilização "Diga Não Há Violência" - Jogo de Futsal EFC vs SLB (missing translation)
Projeto Regenerar Almaceda (P083123 Regenerar Territórios - Incêndios 2023) (missing translation)
Aumento da capacidade de armazenamento e de reutilização de água (missing translation)
Plataforma de Atendimento Online (missing translation)
Book Fair
Compostagem doméstica (missing translation)
Quebrar o isolamento (missing translation)
Dia Internacional da Felicidade (missing translation)
Parque Natural Rico Sofia (missing translation)
Parque Verde do Louriçal (missing translation)
Bioparque de Pombal – Parque Urbano da Charneca (missing translation)
Corredor ribeirinho de Carnide (missing translation)
Corredor Ribeirinho do Rio Arunca (missing translation)
Semana Verde Sobre Azul (missing translation)
Linha de Praia - linha especial de verão (missing translation)
Pombus elétrico (missing translation)
Trilho dos Poios (missing translation)
Árvores a circular (missing translation)
STOPvespa_RL (missing translation)
Comissão de Proteção de Crianças e Jovens de Pombal (missing translation)
Alerta Pombal Seguro (missing translation)
Pombal+Desporto: Plataforma de Candidatura para Subsídios ao Desporto (missing translation)
Ações de sensibilização sobre proteção animal (missing translation)
Elderly Day
Market and Flavours of the Earth
Raising Community Awareness of Civil Protection
Arraial de Santo António (missing translation)
Reimagine Education Labs (missing translation)
Projeto Crianças ao Palco (missing translation)
Projeto CTEAM (Ciências, Tecnologia, Engenharia, Artes e Matemática) (missing translation)
Oeiras Ornithological Station (EOO)
Sensorisation for monitoring urban biodiversity
Educating at Sea
Water Brigade
Lecture: "The World of Marine Mammals"
Lecture: "The mysteries of the sea"
Implementation of the Energy Management System
Like You | Digital, Social and Emotional Skills Development Programme" Project
“Terra da Igualdade” - Teatro de Marionetas (missing translation)
Emprego Apoiado Em Mercado Aberto (missing translation)
Caminhada Noturna - "Entre Laços e Pirilampos" (missing translation)
Sportingly (Re)Fit
Improvement of "Urban Waste Collection" services
Movement is Life
Sousel Social Shop
Nature and Biodiversity Conservation | Priority invasive species eradication and control project
Vivo: Victim Support Office
Begin MarcoInvest Academy
PR 12 - Azueira trail, on the wine route
PR 11 - From Lizandro to Zambujal Fort
PR 10 - São Julião Landscapes Trail
PR 9 - Safarujo Valley Trail
PR 8 - Malveira Trail, between urban and rural areas
PR 7 - Route to the peak of the municipality
PR 6 - Route through the town and the valleys to the west
PR 5 - Encarnação trail, on the vineyard route
PR 4 - Cheleiros Valley Trail
PR 3 - Milharado Mills Trail
PR 2 - Enxaras Trail
PR 1 - Sobral da Abelheira trail
Walking Route - From the Valley to the Montado
Improving Energy Efficiency in the Cunheira Social Housing Estate
Rehabilitation of the Cunheira Social Centre
Promoting Tourism in the Municipality of Alter do Chão
PDECO- Odemira School Sports Project
Collection of Biodegradable Urban Biowaste in the Municipality of Mafra
Douro Superior Wine Festival
HORECA CHANNEL - Collection of Bio-waste from Non-Households
Municipal App
Overcoming Age with Health
Psychology consultations for municipal workers
Electric Mobility in the Municipality - Public Transport
Promoting safe working environments
Aquatic Preparation for Birth
Municipal Card for Large Families
Viana is Yours
International Youth Day
Manutenção de caminhos florestais e rurais (missing translation)
Local Housing Strategy
Eliminating plastic from desks
Urban solid waste control and monitoring system and container sensorisation in the city of Portalegre
Teleassistência Domiciliária (missing translation)
Jovem Autarca (missing translation)
PIIC me- Individual Community Inclusion Project
Eco Cup
Workshop: "Come and build nest boxes"
Workshop: "Come build nest boxes"
Book "Your environmental booklet"
A Journey through the Environment" collection
Educate with the Environment
Discover more about the environment" Activity Book
A journey through the environment" passport
Blue Flag Award
Monitoring the water quality of Cascais' beaches
Monitoring the quality of river water.
Horeca awareness campaign
School Fruit Scheme for the 1st Cycle of Basic Education
Strategy for the Energy Transition and Decarbonisation of the Municipality of Sousel
Medidas de Eficiência Energética no Edificado escolar (missing translation)
Espaços ConVida (missing translation)
In the pool we look after the water
Celebrating International Men's and Women's Day
Make Mine Your Beach!" competition
Ecological kits - International Biodiversity Day.
ESPAÇO VIDA - Victim Support and Information Service (SAIV) in Paredes
Integrated and Innovative Plans to Combat School Failure
Judgados de Paz do Oeste - Torres Vedras Delegation
Environmental Education Centre Building
Quality Coast
Eco-Schools Programme
EMI Awareness Raising - Explore the gender, Move the mind and Inspire your world
Free notebooks and activity sheets for local pupils
Leiria on the Plate
Programa de Apoio ao Comércio - PROCOM (missing translation)
Building health infrastructure
SAAS | Social Assistance Service
Strengthening fire prevention and response resources
LabRios+ - Rustic Lab
LabRios+ Urban
Creativity Labs
Education Gala
Tutoring Centre
Lousã Local Authority + Family Responsible
Analysing and Issuing Opinions on Land Clearing Processes (in collaboration with the Municipal Civil Protection Service)
Survey of the Arboreal Heritage of Vila de Mafra - Municipal GIS
Analysing and Issuing Opinions on Landscaping, Green Spaces and/or Leisure Areas, Private Works Processes and/or Allotments
Door to door
Creative Dance
Promoção de mosaicos florestais (missing translation)
Mensagens de Sensibilização Ambiental (missing translation)
Sport for All
Centro Médico do Trabalhador (missing translation)
CROA - Official Collection Centre for Companion Animals
Requalificação da Rede Escolar (missing translation)
Erra School Centre
Biscainho School Centre
Energy Efficiency at the Municipal Museum
Oeiras Integrated Network Against Violence (RIOCV)
Conhecimento Infraestrutural de Redes de Abastecimento e Saneamento (missing translation)
Fly higher
Get up to speed
Municipal Scholarships
Municipal Services
Jogos do Alto Alentejo (missing translation)
Estratégia Local de Habitação (missing translation)
Service for supplying, collecting, sanitising and treating workers' uniforms
Rota dos Murais (missing translation)
Trilho Pombal Natura (missing translation)
Trilho das 2 Aldeias (missing translation)
Rota das fontes (missing translation)
Rota do Lapiás (missing translation)
Rota da Tauromaquia (missing translation)
Gabinete de Apoio ao Investidor e ao Desenvolvimento Económico (missing translation)
Agenda Cultural de Pombal (missing translation)
Campanha de Apoio à Esterilização de Animais de Companhia (missing translation)
Bolsas de Estudo - Ensino Superior (missing translation)
Programa Municipal de Incentivo à Natalidade e apoio à família - Berço Feliz (missing translation)
MEDICINE GOES TO Vila Nova de Foz Côa
Castle Day
Receção ao Caloiro (missing translation)
Local Authority + Family Responsible
Festival de Inovação Social (missing translation)
GO – Gabinete de Orientação Vocacional e Profissional (missing translation)
Plano Formativo para Jovens do Concelho de Oeiras (missing translation)
KIOSK Single Desk
One-stop shop
Plano de Requalificação dos Bairros Municipais de Oeiras (missing translation)
Ação Social Escolar (missing translation)
Oeiras electric charger network
Self-Service Bicycle Repair and Maintenance Stations
Collection of used cooking oil
Textile and footwear disposal equipment
Oeiras Municipal Afforestation Plan
Biodiversity strategy for the Municipality of Oeiras
Environmental Awareness on the Beaches
Estratégia Oeiras Ciência e Tecnologia 2020-2025 (missing translation)
Promoção do diálogo intercultural (missing translation)
CLAIM - Centros Locais de Apoio à integração de Migrantes (missing translation)
Mês da Juventude (missing translation)
Oeiras - Município Amigo da Juventude (missing translation)
Espaço Jovem de Carnaxide (missing translation)
Diverte-te em Carnaxide (missing translation)
Skate Parks de Oeiras (missing translation)
Theatre play: "The Great Adventure of the Little Seals"
Marginal à Noite Oeiras (missing translation)
Corrida do Tejo (missing translation)
Programa 1ª Braçada - Natação no 1º Ciclo (missing translation)
Programme to boost the municipality's outdoor fitness facilities
Physical education support programme for all years of schooling in the 1st CEB.
CMO Trophy Localities Race
Oeiras Games
Fuel reduction in priority population centres (PA) in the event of a rural fire
Village Condominiums in the Municipality of Tavira
First aid
First aid for pets
Projeta-te - Bolsas de promoção de talento (missing translation)
AtiVoluntário (missing translation)
Lift yourself up
POCITYF - Positive Energy CITY Transformation Framework
Culture in the Parishes
Santa Clara Academy
Mobile Ecocentres
MAPS- Performing Arts Exhibition in Setúbal
Get involved - Gap Year
Residence for Higher Education Students
Semana Europeia do Desporto (missing translation)
Oferta de livros de fichas aos alunos do primeiro ciclo do Agrupamento de Escolas de Celorico de Basto (missing translation)
Semana da Saúde Mental (missing translation)
Campanha de Informação e Sensibilização contra o Cancro da Mama (missing translation)
Peça/Debate - Cuida-te + (missing translation)
Saúde fundaMENTAL (missing translation)
“O Espanto” - Peça Artística (missing translation)
Rede de Museus Municipais de Setúbal (missing translation)
Armadilhas Seletivas para Controlo de Vespa Asiática (missing translation)
Video Protection System
Sistema de Bicicletas Elétricas Partilhadas (Azores E-bike) (missing translation)
Sustainability in School Meals: Respect Food, Reduce Waste
Oeiras Schools Theatre Show
Faculty Scholarship Programme
Conversas de Rua (missing translation)
“WiFi4EU Promoção da conectividade pela Internet nas comunidades locais” (missing translation)
Recolha de Bioresíduos (missing translation)
Rede de Recolha de Óleos Usados (missing translation)
Alimentação escolar (missing translation)
School regime
Safe Villages, Safe People
Mobile Health Unit
Public water management
Sousel Senior University
Renewal of the Municipal Light Fleet
Camino de Santiago - Central Way, stages 13 and 14
Cyclin'Portugal Centre in Erra
CLIMA.AML (Setúbal)
Elderly Telecare Pilot Project
39th Book Fair
Youth Volunteering for Nature and Forests - Guardians of the Forest
Fiche books and activity books
Jazz in the Grass Festival
PMAC - Municipal Climate Action Plan
Computer equipment for schools
What YOU do... We all feel it!
Replacing conventional lighting with LED
ZERO Beach Pollution
Reception for teachers - 2023-2024 school year
Municipal Youth Card
Viana Young Entrepreneurs
Study +
Parishes with Music that Plays
Hand in Hand to Unite Generations
World Water Day
Scholarships for Higher Education
Geologist Me?" competition
Guia de Boas Práticas (missing translation)
Sustainable Mobility and Transport Plan for Setúbal
Portalegre Non-Technological Business Incubator
World Children's Day celebrations
Scholarships for participation in Summer Universities/Junior Universities - Academic Year 2022/2023
Summer Sounds Festival
International Cork Fair
Portalegre and bio-waste
Oxygen Programme
Portalegre Conventual Sweets Fair
Social Shop
Municipal Plan for Equality and Non-discrimination
𝗔𝗯𝗿𝗶𝗹 𝗔𝘇𝘂𝗹 𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟯 | 𝗠ê𝘀 𝗱𝗮 𝗣𝗿𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻çã𝗼 𝗱𝗼𝘀 𝗠𝗮𝘂𝘀-𝗧𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗼𝘀 𝗻𝗮 𝗜𝗻𝗳â𝗻𝗰𝗶𝗮
Installation of water machines
VI Coruche International Ballooning Festival
Municipality of Olhão joins Earth Hour
Curricular Support and Enrichment Programme (AEC's)
Scholarship Programme for Higher Education Students
SOUSaúde Programme
Natality Support Programme
Reverse Inclusion" programme
EcoPontas and PapaChicletes Project - Waste Reduction and Recovery
Ideas and Creativity Competition
Voluntariado Jovem para a Natureza e Florestas (missing translation)
Structures for the selective disposal of garden waste in urban areas
CHAT# – Gabinetes de Atendimento a Jovens (missing translation)
Installation of defibrillators in the borough
Apoio ao Associativismo Juvenil (missing translation)
Tempo Jovem (missing translation)
Bike Stations
Accessible Beach
My Neighbourhood" Portal
Strategic Plan for Water Lines in the Municipality of Oeiras
Cartão Oeiras 65+ (missing translation)
Casas Temporárias para Professores Deslocados (missing translation)
Programa de Expressão Físico-Motora (missing translation)
Selective Collection of Biodegradable Municipal Waste
Junior Code Academy
Cuidar Braga (missing translation)
Rede de Ciclovias Urbanas de Torres Vedras (missing translation)
Support Programme for Physical Activity in the 1st Cycle
Gymnastics Programme
Improving energy efficiency conditions at the Leiria Municipal Swimming Pool Complex
Municipal Plan for the Integration of Migrants
School Fruit Distribution - Pre-school and 1st Cycle of Basic Education
Estudo de Avaliação da Subida do Nível Médio do Mar e Sobrelevação da Maré em Eventos Extremos de Galgamento e Inundação Costeira (missing translation)
Inclusive Labour: Opportunities for All
Renovação dos sistemas de iluminação pública (missing translation)
Reabilitação de equipamentos sociais (missing translation)
Reabilitação de equipamentos municipais e da administração central (missing translation)
Resposta Imediata a Pessoas em Situação de Sem Abrigo (missing translation)
Programa de Esterilização e Bem-Estar Animal (missing translation)
Medidas de Apoio à Família: Oferta de Material, Cadernos de Fichas e Manuais Escolares (missing translation)
Local Housing Strategy
Ecocentros (missing translation)
Science Conference/Congress
Careers Fair
Portuguese course for speakers of other languages
Take Care + Programme
LED street lighting replaced
Microbosques - "From seed to forest"
Protocolo com a APAV (missing translation)
Protocolo de Nova Geração com a CIG (missing translation)
Conhecer o Sistema de Abastecimento de Água do Faial (missing translation)
Mês da Música (missing translation)
Operações de manutenção e impermeabilização do reservatório do Chaparral (missing translation)
Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP)
Plano de Desenvolvimento Turístico de Pombal 2030 (missing translation)
reuniões de trabalho descentralizada (missing translation)
Meia Maratona Cidade de Pombal (missing translation)
Gala do Desporto (missing translation)
Etno-parque do Cotrofe (missing translation)
Plano Estratégico de Reabilitação das Linhas de Água do Município de Pombal (PERLA Pombal) (missing translation)
Bandeira Azul (missing translation)
Renaturalização do lago do Jardim do Vale (missing translation)
Espaço Polinizadores (missing translation)
Plano Municipal de Emergência e Proteção Civil (missing translation)
Programa de Gestão Sustentável dos Espaços Públicos (missing translation)
Arrisca connosco! (missing translation)
Município amigo do desporto (missing translation)
Art & Play (missing translation)
Portal do Colaborador (missing translation)
Glyphosate-free local authorities
Carnival Celebration - Children's Parade
Comemorações do Dia Mundial da Criança (missing translation)
SOS Insulation
Distribution of flow reducers to the population
Monitoring and combating the Asian hornet
Castelo de Vide - Offline no desperdício (missing translation)
Café Memória de Oeiras (missing translation)
Vineyards of Terceira
Sustainable garden Raiano Cultural Centre
Food Gardens
Refurbishment and extension of the Sports Pavilion
Setúbal Poetry Marathon
Organic valorisation of green waste - composting
Requalification of the Municipal Market - Idanha-a-Nova Bio-Region Market
Santa Cruz das Flores has beverage container deposit system up and running
Municipality of Santa Cruz das Flores signs Declaration Against Climate Change
Santa Cruz das Flores City Council joins the "Blue Ribbon" campaign
1st Edition of the CED Flores Island Campaign
2nd Edition of the CED Flores Island Campaign
Santa Cruz das Flores City Council marks European Week for Waste Reduction
Santa Cruz das Flores City Council awarded "Water Quality Seal for Human Consumption" 2022
Municipality of Santa Cruz das Flores reaches 36% selective collection rate by 2023
Santa Cruz das Flores to Compost
Santa Cruz das Flores City Council marks World Water Day
Setting up a Dog Park
Setúbal Justice of the Peace
Balcão de Inclusão de Celorico de Basto (missing translation)
Banco Local de Voluntariado de Celorico de Basto (missing translation)
Sushi com Peixe nosso (missing translation)
Processo de Certificação como Destino Turístico Sustentável (missing translation)
LIGA - Transporte a Pedido da Comunidade Intermunicipal (missing translation)
Duatlo Cross da Amadora (missing translation)
Rede Municipal de Equipamentos de Educação Ambiental (missing translation)
Guia de Recursos Sénior (missing translation)
Eventos para a população sénior (missing translation)
Apoio alimentar aos fins-de-semana e feriados (missing translation)
Estudo fitossanitário de 200 árvores urbanas de grande porte (missing translation)
Walks around the municipality
Linha Municipal de Saúde (missing translation)
Protocol with the Victim Support Association (APAV)
Componente de Apoio à Família (missing translation)
Atividades de Enriquecimento Curricular (missing translation)
Prémio Literário Orlando Gonçalves (missing translation)
Operação Integrada Local (OIL) da Encosta do Sol (missing translation)
Legal Advice for Victims of Domestic Violence
Municipal Regulations for Supporting Victims of Domestic Violence
Desmatação e plantação de arbustos aromáticos (missing translation)
Mostra Educativa e Profissional de Celorico de Basto: Um Guia para o Futuro dos Jovens (missing translation)
Horta Sustainable Tourism
Education Portal - SER, Sesimbra Educar em Rede
POSEUR-03-2012-FC-000106 application: Drawing up the infrastructure register for water supply and wastewater sanitation systems
Recuperação de ecossistemas costeiros (missing translation)
Young Arronches" programme
Arts Club
PR3 - Montargil Dam Trail
Protection Against Fire Risks in Alto Alentejo - Alentejo 2020 Application No. ALT20-08-2114-FEDER-000243
Story Time
Official Animal Collection Centre of the Municipality of Mafra
Rehabilitation and Stabilisation of the Banks of the River Lizandro
Ericeira World Surfing Reserve Interpretation Centre
Afforestation of the Águas Santas Urban Park
Support for the Elderly
Learning in Community
Telecare Service
Parque das Camélias (missing translation)
Christmas Ranchos Meeting
Semana da Juventude (missing translation)
Há Festa no Parque (missing translation)
Environment: our gesture makes a difference!
Film Environment - Action!
Communication and Awareness - Ambi Mascot
My Ecopoint
Ecopoint for hazardous waste
Home composting
Our Water from Source to Tap
LIFE Stop Cortaderia - Lousada
Bio-Social Garden
Birth and Adoption Support Voucher
Scholarships for Merit and Social Support for Public Higher Education Students
Vianesa Costume Certification
Viana do Castelo Geopark's interpretive equipment and content
Summer holidays
Conversations with history and stories...
Operation Safe Forest
Monitoring the Coastline and Natural and Anthropogenic Systems
Forestry sapper brigade 1-182 for preventive forestry and surveillance with the municipalities of Gavião and Nisa
Social Networking
European Mobility Week
SIRENE application
We Create Dunes and Protect Species
(Re) Afforestation of Green Spaces and Creation of Shaded Islands in the Urban Environment
Alto Alentejo Intermunicipal Climate Change Adaptation Plan
Detecting and combating the invasive alien species Vespa velutina in Alto Alentejo through CIMAA - POSEUR application no. POSEUR-03-2215-FC-000167
R2CS - Circular network for sustainable construction
Municipal Emergency and Civil Protection Plan
Lusophone Initiative for SDG Municipalities
Replacing conventional lighting with LED and reducing the luminous flux | Public Lighting
Raising awareness about young people entering the labour market
Modernisation and upgrading of the Professor Armando de Lucena - Malveira, António Bento Franco - Ericeira, Venda do Pinheiro and Mafra basic schools.
Municipal Climate Change Adaptation Plan
Come and colour our pavilion!
Ponte de Sor Associations Month
Ponte de Sor Municipal Youth Assembly
Walking routes
Walking routes
Semester Monitoring of the School Calendar
Angra do Heroísmo municipality's food aid system
Renaturalisation of the River Arnóia using natural engineering techniques
BioRainha - Pilot project to collect bio-waste in the municipality
Municipal Climate Change Adaptation Plan (PMAAC)
Digital Nomads
Energy Passbook (2023 - 2024)
Conhecer&Agir - Platform for measuring and publicising disaggregated electricity consumption and benchmarking electricity consumption in municipal administrative buildings
Projeto VIGIAVESPA (missing translation)
Recycling Mission: "From Home to School!"
Sports Friendly Municipality
Solidarity Shop
Starry Night
Montargil, Safe and Clean
Desenvolver e implementar medidas de conciliação entre trabalho e familia. (missing translation)
(+) More Sustainable Municipal Waste Management
Selective collection of bio-waste
Educational Resource Centre for Inclusion
"Valorise Yourself - Training and Youth Entrepreneurship Fair"
European Week of Sport - "Let's Pedal"
"A Territory to Discover - Cork and Cork Oak Forest"
World Equality Day
Action to clean the banks of the River Zêzere
Domestic Violence Intervention Team (EIVIDA)
Flavour Market
The environment thanks you
Birth support
Green Deal Centre Project - Ecological and Circular Shopping
Healthy Beach" Project
Blue Flag Programme
Local Housing Strategy
Municipal Plan for Equality and Non-Discrimination 2021-2024
Protocol with hunters' associations and clubs to join the forest defence team
Seia Participa - Participatory Budgeting
Seia: A journey towards becoming a child-friendly city
Action Plan for Urban Regeneration / Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan / PEDU SEIA 2020
Loulé Without Borders" project
Cycling Castelo de Vide (missing translation)
Percursos em Natureza (missing translation)
Bus Terminal
Lisbon Composting
Promotional posters
Exploradores do Meio Aquático (missing translation)
Celebration of the Day of the Elderly at the Foros de Arrão Molinology Interpretive Centre
STOP Lixo Marinho (missing translation)
Rede de Bibliotecas Escolares de Pombal (missing translation)
Semana Sénior (missing translation)
Campanha de adoção animal (missing translation)
Formação contínua de professores (missing translation)
Location Plans (Internal)
Monitoring and early detection system for floods in the Municipality of Tavira
Museu Fora do Museu (missing translation)
Construction of the Curral dos Romeiros compact wastewater treatment plant
Rehabilitation of the 23 de Junho neighbourhood, Couço (social housing)
Entrance to the EB2,3 Dr. Armando Lizardo School and School Centre
Cork Oak and Cork Oak Observatory
Valuing ecosystems (Vala das Baleias)
Decentralised Consultations - CHUA + Proximity" Project
Redução de Perdas Aparentes (missing translation)
Traditional markets in Praça da República
School Fruit
Equipamentos ao ar livre no concelho (missing translation)
Gate and Great Route of the São Mamede Waterfalls
Mobility for all on the Calçadinha
Monitoring Water Quality in Public Fountains in the Municipality of Fornos de Algodres
Implementation of energy efficiency measures in public lighting
Incentive Regulation for the Connection of Buildings to the Public Water Supply and Wastewater Sanitation Networks of the Municipality of Marco de Canaveses
Power Point
Concurso Literário do Conto e Poesia- IX edição (missing translation)
Comemorar a reciclagem! (missing translation)
Clube das Artes na Biblioteca Municipal (missing translation)
Design, construction and application of Flood Prevention Devices (DPI)
Free Wi-Fi in the municipality
Discover Odemira with the 'Discover Portugal' App
Projeto Hands UP - Mãos ao Ar (missing translation)
Ride on the Mobi - Vamos na Mobi (missing translation)
Mobi Network free of charge
Lamego Municipal Walking and Running Centre
Startup Pombal (missing translation)
Parque da Fonte da Pedra (missing translation)
Centro de apoio à integração de migrantes de Pombal (missing translation)
Semana da Juventude de Pombal (missing translation)
A Biblioteca é uma Casa onde cabe toda a gente (missing translation)
Cadaval by bicycle
FILM FEST- Live Music Film Festival
Terras do Vez Brand - Programme to Value Local Producers and Products
Biobairros Programme - Composting, better planting
Arrábida Natural Park Walking Route Network
Education Cheque
Programa de empreendedorismo jovem "Ideias à Maré" (missing translation)
Distribuição de Materiais - Desenvolvimento Sustentável do Planeta - Castelo de Vide (missing translation)
Evento de Inovação e Modernização Tecnológica do Exército (missing translation)
Plano de Prevenção e Mitigação dos Efeitos das cheias (missing translation)
Prémios ‘Mar Sustentável’ (missing translation)
Oeiras Educa, mais SUCESSO (missing translation)
Celebrating themed environmental days
Pollinator Surprise Boxes Project
‘InnOValley Fundo para Provas de Conceito’ (missing translation)
Agenda da Ciência do Município de Oeiras (missing translation)
Apoio BIOMEET (missing translation)
Noite Europeia dos Investigadores de Oeiras (missing translation)
Gabinete Cuidar Melhor de Oeiras (missing translation)
Oeiras Valley Investment Agency (OVIA) (missing translation)
Programa Equilibra-te (missing translation)
Programa Espírito Desportivo (missing translation)
Programa de Promoção de Atividades ao Ar Livre (missing translation)
Beefood - Bee feeding camp in Luso
Social Action and Health Office (GASS)
Wednesday Meetings at the Municipal Library
Terceira Island Milk and Cheese Route
Illustrious Angrenses Collection
Municipal Youth Council
Local Education Council
Angra do Heroísmo Education Charter
Summer concerts
Health Card 0-114
Holidays in the City
Dog and Cat Sterilisation Vouchers
Proximity Services of the Municipality - Citizen Space
Gender Equality
Celorico a Mexer (missing translation)
Celebração do Dia da Criança (missing translation)
Celebração do Dia Nacional do Idoso (missing translation)
Recolha de equipamentos eletrónicos volumosos ao domicílio (missing translation)
Festa da Flor (missing translation)
Smartcross (missing translation)
Bedeteca (missing translation)
Biblioteca Municipal Fernando Piteira Santos (missing translation)
Galeria Municipal Artur Bual (missing translation)
Cineteatro D. João V (missing translation)
Recreios da Amadora (missing translation)
Regulamento Municipal de Acesso e de Atribuição de Habitação Municipal (missing translation)
25 April / Children's athletics
Aulas Hidrosénior (missing translation)
AmaSénior Lazer (missing translation)
AmaSénior -Oficina de limpeza (missing translation)
Museu da Amadora (missing translation)
Adiafas Festival and National Light Wine Festival
Reutilização de Águas Residuais (missing translation)
Rede Portuguesa de Municípios Saudáveis (missing translation)
Março Mulher (missing translation)
Bolsas de Estudo e Mérito Ensino Superior (missing translation)
Orquestra Geração da Amadora (missing translation)
Programa Municipal para o Voluntariado da Amadora (missing translation)
Pelos caminhos da Água (missing translation)
Corrida de São Silvestre (missing translation)
Recolha de resíduos domésticos volumosos fora de uso (“monos”) (missing translation)
CROAMA - Centro de Recolha Oficial de Animais do Município da Amadora (missing translation)
Plano Municipal da Defesa da Floresta contra Incêndios (missing translation)
Festival de Banda Desenhada (missing translation)
Plano Municipal para a Igualdade (missing translation)
Programa de Desfibrilhação (missing translation)
GAE / GAID - Support Office for Emigrants and Investors in the Diaspora.
Esplanades of Vez
Ethnographic Centre of Soajo / Arcos de Valdevez
Rehabilitation of the Local and Environmental Heritage of the Sistelo Cultural Landscape
Enhancing the Territory to the West of the Municipality - Rehabilitation of the Local Heritage of Monte Nossa Senhora do Castelo - Arcos de Valdevez
Setúbal, Terra de Peixe (missing translation)
Municipal Nurseries
Rede urbana inter-regional ‘Cidades Âncora para a Economia Azul’. (missing translation)
Small Housing Grants
Faial Inhabits
Awarding scholarships
Revitalisation of the Odivelas Monastery
Blue School
Abem Card
Municipal Social Card
Centro Coordenador de Transportes de Braga (missing translation)
Centro de Recolha Oficial (missing translation)
Mercado Municipal de Braga (missing translation)
CRIAR tec - Business Incubator
Door-to-door collection
Celebrating recycling!
Educ'arte Programme
Commitment to climate change adaptation and mitigation in water services
Rejuvenate Tarouca
CompostaME - Let's compost to improve the environment
A better Praia depends on everyone!
Saturday with Stories
My Reading Kit
Special Reading Service
Senior Internet
Local Housing Strategy
Merit Awards
Municipal Plan for Equality and Non-Discrimination
Home workshop
Support for Degraded Housing for Disadvantaged Social Strata
Family Card - Birth Incentive
Scholarships for Higher Education Students
Alter do Chão More Sustainable - home composting
Selective Collection of Bio-waste in the Municipality of Alter do Chão
Geopark's digital platforms
Viana Práxis - Viana do Castelo Architecture Prize
Movement is Life
GIP - Professional Insertion Office
Expansion of Wi-fi in Cultural Facilities
Ouriceira Sea and Ouriceira Water Projects
Safe Ocean
Glass+ Platform
Mafra a Compostar - Do Prato à Terra Project and Separate More and Transform Better Project
Mafra Recycle for Real+
Covenant of Mayors
Network of Villages of Portugal
Urban Green Spaces
Municipality of Mafra certified as a Biosphere Destination
Building an articulated network of intermodal parks
National Digital Neighbourhoods Project
Tourist Entrepreneur Support Office
Curricular Enrichment Activities
Provision of nutritionists in pre-school and primary school establishments
Arrendar - Rental Housing Support Programme
Viana + Accessible
Environmental Volunteering | Protecting the Interrupted Ringed Plover
Home collection of monsters
Digital Water Counter
Municipal Health
Municipal Regulation to Support the Implementation of the Integrated Plan to Combat Social Exclusion and Prevent School Dropout at Educational Establishments
Municipal Regulations for Supporting Educational Activities and Projects
Programa de Apoio à Natalidade – "Nascer na Terra das Camélias" (missing translation)
Industrial Park
Municipal Regulation to Support Renting to Families in the Municipality of Angra do Heroísmo
AMA Angra
CHEF goes to school
Plano Municipal para a igualdade e não discriminação (missing translation)
Dolphin Alert
Municipal Plan for Equality and Non-Discrimination
Fleet decarbonisation
Applying the I-tree to the alignment tree
2nd edition of the Cascais Adapt Fund
Criação de Fundo Verde de Apoio às Famílias (missing translation)
Criação de Fundo Verde de Apoio às Empresas, Clubes e Associações (missing translation)
Pecuniary support
Walking Bridge
Territory Forum
PIICIE - Creation of the Mirandela School Group Young Volunteers Group
Mealhada Door to Door
Business cycle path
Mobile Health Unit: +Knowledge +Health
Emigrant Support Office
Nature School" educational project
Beyond the Sea" Education Project
From the earth to the earth" educational project
Matiga - Friendly Maths" project
Covilhã Job Exchange
LouleXLab - Municipal Experimentation Laboratory
Blue Flag Programme
Raising awareness - H2OFF - Time to turn off the tap!
Water Campaign
Distribution of water-saving kits
Municipal Waste Action Plan
Energy efficiency in street lighting and municipal public buildings
Municipality LED
Efficiency project above all!
Preparation of a Climate Change Adaptation Plan for Vila Nova de Poiares
Scholarships for higher education students
Houses with people
Educating for a circular economy
Replacing IP (conventional street lighting) with LED technology
Sorraia Gardens
Campaign in partnership with Sociedade Ponto Verde
Utilização de bebedouros inclusivos em Castelo Branco (missing translation)
Áudio Guias - Casa da Memória da Presença Judaica (missing translation)
Today for you, tomorrow for me!
Anti-rabies vaccination
Electronic identification for pets
Parlamento de Jovens (missing translation)
Monstros & Companhia (missing translation)
Residências artísticas de teatro no Ensino Básico (missing translation)
Programa CED (Captura-Esterilização-Devolução) (missing translation)
Pombal Apoia: Plataforma de apoio às Freguesias (missing translation)
Semana do Clima (missing translation)
Work physiotherapy
Celorico de Basto holds conference on "New organisation of healthcare"
Water Safety Plan and Wastewater Safety Plan
RE(afforestation) of Quinta da Nogueira
Marco de Canaveses Decentralised Consultation
Tampinhas Project
Qualification of the Castelo de Vide Industrial Estate
Requalification of social housing in the town of Alter do Chão
Implementation of a Wi-Fi Network in the Historic Centre/Public Space in the Village of Alter do Chão
Birth support
Gabinete de Terapia da Fala (missing translation)
Reducing Water Supply Losses
Procurement of goods and services in line with the SDGs
Allocation of Plan and Budget items to the SDGs
"ODS visa" on all proposals to the town hall meeting
Ála Mexer
Cleaning water lines and gutters
Social Emergency Fund
Start In Odivelas - Odivelas Business Incubator
Viana Bate Forte Festival
Outros Projetos e Medidas (missing translation)
Formação para dirigentes - Plano de Ação para a Igualdade Entre Mulheres e Homens (missing translation)
Cabazes de Natal (missing translation)
Bolsas de Estudo (missing translation)
Comboio Vintage do Tejo (missing translation)
Online Customer Service
Awareness-raising campaign - "Say no to violence!"
Lunch for the Elderly of the Municipality of Ponte de Sor
Programa "Teacher Classroom Management Group Leader Training (AI-TCM)- Anos Incríveis (missing translation)
Bolsas de Estudo (missing translation)
Corrida dos Gambuzinos (missing translation)
Pombal Wellness Weekend (missing translation)
Caminhos da Leitura (missing translation)
POMBUS - Rede Municipal de Transportes Urbanos (missing translation)
Programa Formação + Próxima (missing translation)
DE BICICLETA À CIDADE (missing translation)
POMBIKE (missing translation)
Gabinete Técnico Florestal (missing translation)
Encontro Internacional de Bibliotecas Itinerantes (missing translation)
Conferência de São Martinho (missing translation)
Mercado dos Agricultores (missing translation)
Projeto de Transformação Digital no Agrupamento de Escolas Gualdim Pais (missing translation)
Festa da Amendoeira em Flor (missing translation)
Almond Market
Employment Week
"Digital Parents"
Programa Viva o Bairro (missing translation)
Assembleia de Moradores (missing translation)
Projeto ROOF - Ending Homelessness (missing translation)
Horas do Conto (missing translation)
Municipal bikesharing network
Publications and information material for the dissemination and promotion of knowledge in the area of nature conservation/natural heritage in Oeiras
Universidade de Verão / Inverno (missing translation)
Adoção de plataforma para validação faturas Energia (missing translation)
Network of water points - construction and maintenance - support in fighting rural fires
LINX2020 - Preparatory Actions for the Reintroduction of the Iberian Lynx
School holidays/Youth holidays
Bolsa de Apoio a Estudantes Universitários (missing translation)
Implementation of Automatic External Defibrillation in public spaces
"A Rute e a Rita a Ruminar" - Peça de Teatro (missing translation)
Come Tarouca
"Memories of the Market"
Pottery routes in the village
Urban Garden Project
Liberdade Neighbourhood in Couço (Social Housing)
Energy Efficiency in Public and Decorative Lighting in the Municipality of Alter do Chão
Improving the energy efficiency of the Alter do Chão sports pavilion
Improving Energy Efficiency at the Alter do Chão Cineteatre
Service and Overnight Area for Motorhomes
Active Childhood - A physical activity project for pre-school pupils in the municipality of Odemira
School milk
Elderly Day celebrations - Castelo de Vide
Positive Parenting Academy
Plano de Segurança da Água (missing translation)
Museum Education Services
Castelo do Neiva Gastronomic Exhibition
Ribeira de Viana do Castelo Gastronomic Exhibition
Mechanism to Support the Carrying Out of Fires (MARQ)
Local Action Plan for the Control of Riparian Invasive Species
Application Romaria n'Algibeira
BIO-SOR - Home Composting Project
União Desportiva do Concelho de Sousel - 3 Star Futsal Training Organisation
Training session "Journey to a Tropical Sea in Pontal da Carrapateira"
Training session "Journey to a Tropical Sea in Pontal da Carrapateira"
Training session: "Exploring the Geodiversity of Praia do Amado".
Quinta da Saúde Tourist Complex Interpretation Centre
Georeferencing of the public water supply system
Electric vehicle charging stations
Granting of social benefits to Monforte volunteer firefighters
Energy Efficiency in Public Lighting in Celorico de Basto
100% LED street lighting
Awareness Raising and Screenings
Blood donation
General Medicine and Family Medicine consultations, Nutrition and psychological counselling.
Sun Protection Campaign.
Vaccination campaigns.
Development of Workers' Competences.
Encouraging births.
Cork harvesting in the municipality of Coruche - Intangible Cultural Heritage
Replacing asbestos-containing roofing
Pilot Project for the Implementation of Recycling at the Source of Biowaste - "OFFLINE IN WASTE, ONLINE IN COMPOSTING".
Oeiras CLS Consultative Council
Urban Art
Fit Neighbourhood
New Horizons: OCP Solidarity in the Navigators' Neighbourhood
Apoio ao Conselho Municipal de Juventude (missing translation)
Eco Cup
Healthy Beach
Waste paper notepads
Arundo Donax Containment - from Cutting to Planting
Valorisation and Requalification of the Ribeira
Discover Aljezur
Social Cafeteria
Loulé Mobile Health Unit
Installation of photovoltaic panels
NLI Vila Nova de Poiares
Portuguese for Foreigners Course
PROJECT SAB+ | Knowing and Learning to Play +
Stimulus Projects
Operações de manutenção e impermeabilização dos reservatórios da Carrapateira e das Barreiras Vermelhas. (missing translation)
Implementation of heat contingency protocols
Air Quality Monitoring
PENSAR E PERGUNTAR- A minha opinião conta! (missing translation)
Trail Running Pombal Sicó (missing translation)
Plano de Ação do Plano Estratégico de Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos (missing translation)
Semana da Proteção Civil (missing translation)
Aldeia Segura Pessoas Seguras (missing translation)
Educação para o Risco (missing translation)
Plano de Atividades de Educação Ambiental (missing translation)
Programa de Apoio ao Funcionamento da Unidade de Saúde Familiar – Pombal Oeste (missing translation)
Olimpíadas seniores (missing translation)
Gestão de Ocorrências (missing translation)
Pombal on the move
ATEC Conceição Vicente
Água de Qualidade (missing translation)
Bio-Cantinas Municipality of Idanha-a-Nova
Regulation of Technical Support for Housing in the Municipality of Santa Cruz das Flores
Municipal Regulations to Support the Agricultural Sector
Scholarship Regulations
Regulation of the Municipal Christmas Incentive Programme
Municipal Regulations for the Allocation of Free Textbooks
Organic Compost
Plano Municipal De Ação Climática De Celorico De Basto (missing translation)
Environmental Education Activity
Strategic Plan for the Rehabilitation of Water Lines - PERLA
Aromatic Garden
Healthy Eating
Decentralisation of Culture
Running, Jumping and Throwing - Athletics in Schools
Swimming in the 1st grade
Welcome Manual
Improving energy efficiency in lighting in municipal buildings
Renewable Energy Action Plan
Water Safety Plan
Adélia Project
School transport
Creating Shadow Zones
Gastronomic fortnights
SerIncludes +
Monitoring the quality of sand on Cascais beaches
Requalification of the Ribeira de Sassoeiros
Public procurement procedures
Intermunicipal Plan for Equality - Strategy to Combat Domestic Gender Violence
Electronic Invoicing
Information and Mediation Service for People with Disabilities and their Families - SIM-PD
Automatic External Defibrillation
ARU- Área de Reabilitação Urbana (missing translation)
InvestArcos - Programa de Incentivos ao Empreendedorismo e ao Emprego em Arcos de Valdevez (missing translation)
Nest boxes for urban birds
Photo competition: "aMAR-te"
SPACE- Espaço de Acolhimento Empresarial de Castelo de Vide (missing translation)
Monitoring and Evaluation of the Nutritional Status, Physical Activity and Eating Habits of Students in the Municipality
Training Action: "Geodiversity, Geosites and Geoconservation."
World Oceans Day: Clean-up action at Monte Clérigo beach
Ponto Electrão
Coastal cleaning
Workshop "Fostering Children and Young People"
Clean Up the Atlantic
English language textbooks for 1st and 2nd grade (basic education)
Accessible Beach Programme
Installing smart bins
2nd "Views of the Cliffs" photography competition.
Biomonitoring of Natural Areas in the Municipality of Viana do Castelo
Youth housing
Programa de Comparticipação de Medicamentos para pessoas com mais de 65 anos (missing translation)
Animal Collection Centre
Water reuse in the irrigation of the Parque das Nações Norte gardens (CML)
Rehabilitation of the Rebocho Social Centre
Summer Clubs
Universal access to water and sanitation
Reducing water consumption - Alcabideche Municipal Swimming Pool
Administrative modernisation
Ecovia do Litoral Sudoeste
Equipa para a Igualdade na Vida Local - EIVL de Ponte de Sor (missing translation)
Dia Mundial da Alimentação (missing translation)
Plano Municipal de Prevenção das Dependências (missing translation)
Horta Regional Conservatory Teachers' Musical Season
Bulky waste collection - Fafe municipality
Operação de Reabilitação Urbana (ORU) da Zona Histórica (missing translation)
Municipal Climate Action Plan (PMAC)
Um Salto de Gigante : Pensar a Transição para o 1º ciclo (missing translation)
AMPARHA Programme
Artemrede (missing translation)
Perfare (missing translation)
Stronger Peripheries: A Southern Coalition (missing translation)
Conselho de Pais (missing translation)
Conselho Municipal de Desporto (missing translation)
Semana pelo Combate à Pobreza e Exclusão Social (missing translation)
Feira do Livro de Pombal (missing translation)
Sentir o Museu (missing translation)
Plano Estratégico de Desenvolvimento Urbano da Cidade de Pombal (missing translation)
Healthy Teams, Happy Teams
Revista Côa Visão (missing translation)
Foros de Arrão Mollinology Interpretive Centre
Pedagogical gardens
Refurbishment of the playing area of the Idanha-A-Nova municipal stadium
Purchase of electric chargers - Idanh@ mobility + green project
Rehabilitation of the bastion and access from the lower to the upper level of the village of Monsanto
Construction of a mixed pedestrian/cycle link between Idanha-A-Nova and the industrial zone
Improving access to the castle in the village of Monsanto
Refurbishment and adaptation of the old São Miguel D'Acha primary school nursery / crèche facilities
Requalification of the Idanha-A-Nova Health Centre
Energy efficiency and promotion of renewable energies: "Idanha-A-Nova School of Management"
Refurbishment of the multi-sports ground in Idanha-a-Nova
Renovation/adaptation of the municipal car fleet
Dematerialisation of processes
Abem Card
Q+ Networking - "Empowering to care"
Application to the Healthy Beach Programme 2023
Santa Cruz das Flores City Council has given the 1st cycle of the EB 1,2,3/JI/S Padre Maurício de Freitas School an interactive whiteboard
Santa Cruz das Flores City Council joins Earth Hour initiative
Improving the quality of water for human consumption
Social Assistance and Monitoring Service - SAAS Celorico de Basto
Municipal Mobile Workshop
Amadora em Festa (missing translation)
FERTIPRADO - Uso eficiente das Energias Renováveis (missing translation)
Bio controlo com aves (missing translation)
FERTIPRADO - Veículos mais ecológicos (missing translation)
FERTIPRADO - Gestão inteligente das embalagens das sementes (missing translation)
Código de Conduta dos Eleitos Locais da Câmara Municipal da Amadora (missing translation)
Banco Alimentar Animal do Município da Amadora (missing translation)
Linha de Apoio Social (800 207 632) (missing translation)
Distribuição de garrafas de água reutilizáveis na comunidade escolar do 1º ciclo (missing translation)
Banco Municipal de Ajudas Técnicas (missing translation)
Plano de Prevenção de Riscos Corrupção (missing translation)
Canal de Denúncias (missing translation)
CLIMA.AML (missing translation)
Cartão Amadora Solidária (missing translation)
Castelo de Vide Local Housing Strategy (ELH)
Energy Saving and Efficiency Guide - Góis City Council
PAMUS - Sustainable Urban Mobility
Aquisição de Veículo Elétrico (missing translation)
Tree Heritage Management
Municipal Training and Work Experience Programme
Municipal Youth Occupation Programme
Senior University
"Sewing Club between Threads and Fabrics".
Discovering the 4 Cities" project
Training for Sports Agents
Generation ON
Bell Race
Mafra Town Interpretation Centre
WIFI4EU Castelo de Vide
Construction of the Santo Onofre Health Unit
Prolongamento dos ATL's (missing translation)
Literacia Informática para Adultos (missing translation)
Braga Pedagogical Farm - Environmental Training and Experimentation Centre
7 Fountains Park
gnration (missing translation)
Braga Youth Centre
Centro Medicina Desportiva (missing translation)
Local Group for Disabilities and Incapacities
Bem-Guardado (missing translation)
Projeto Municipal Participação Cívica - O Poder Local (missing translation)
Magusto Festival
Workshops for children and young people during the Christmas holidays
Forest without invasives
Celebrating the environment!
Veterinary Cheque
Butts on the ground, no!
Disposal of single-use plastics
Value the environment, value yourself!
Collection of bio-waste from large producers
Selective collection of bio-waste
Recovering Good Traditions
Birth support
Bag 12
Municipal Programme - School Supplies Kit
Participatory Youth Budget of the Municipality of Horta
Faial Water, Naturally!
Large Volume Waste Collection (Monsters)
Municipal Plan for Equality and Non-Discrimination
School transport
Municipal Card for the Elderly
Christmas Square
Rice Festival
Propagation of forest species in nurseries
Reuse of treated water for irrigation of green spaces
Electric Mobility in the Municipality - Light Vehicles
Electric Mobility in the Municipality - Soft Modes
Support for the Climate Transition 'Interventions for the Resilience of Territories in the Face of Risk | Combating Desertification through Reforestation and Actions that Promote Increased Carbon and Nutrient Fixation in the Soil - Application approved and being implemented under Compete 2020, more specifically under Notice 13/REACT/-EU/2021
Municipal Forest Fire Defence Plan
Citizen Space
Creation of HUB and LABS ODS
Marine litter collection
Environmental Education and Awareness
Free physical activity in a public space
Urban Rehabilitation Operations in Urban Rehabilitation Areas
Economic and Territorial Development Plan
Sports Facilities Network
Ash collection
Adaptation of irrigation systems in municipal green spaces
RecolhaBio - Municipal Green Waste Composting Centre
"Heart Run" pelo Coração (missing translation)
Sustainable Azores Green Team
Co-operation between the Commission for Gender Equality and the Municipality of Monforte
ILUPub - Improving the Energy Efficiency of Public Lighting
SmartMEDParks - Improvement of Energy Efficiency in Technology Parks of the Med Area through Intelligent Models and Uses
Functional upgrading of the Assentos Municipal Swimming Pool
Refurbishment of the public lighting network throughout the municipality
Implementation of water efficiency measures in municipal buildings/infrastructures
Implementation of water efficiency measures in municipal buildings/infrastructures
Implementation of water efficiency measures in municipal buildings/infrastructures
Implementation of water efficiency measures in municipal buildings/infrastructures
Learning + Project
Temporary emergency accommodation
Literary writing workshops
The Municipal Library is an EUSOUDIGITAL Centre
Theatre and Dramatic Expression Workshops
Application of the Environmental Management System
Collection of used cooking oil (UCO)
Foz Côa MorePertoclds
Abem Programme
Local Housing Strategy
Inclusion Desk
Vila Nova de Foz Côa Senior University
Renovation and extension of drinking fountains in schools
Padel court in the Sports Zone
Redevelopment of the prefabricated housing neighbourhood and investment in the surrounding area
Service and Overnight Area for Motorhomes
Landscape rehabilitation of Largo do Município
Flavours of the Wild Ox
Local Housing Strategy
County Reading Competition
Virtual School user manuals
Support for disadvantaged social strata
Help Bank
Solidarity Bank
Support for the rehabilitation of dilapidated housing
Invest Torres Vedras Agency
Supply of Computers and Mobile Internet Accesses
Joining the Green City Accord
Collection of cooking oil
Multi-material recycling - 4 R'S in action: Separate to VALUE!
Environmental awareness and education plan
Holiday for All" programme
Triplicate Project: Innovate, Integrate and Include
Local Support Centre for the Integration of Migrants
Installation of intelligent irrigation systems in the municipality's green spaces
"Knowing to preserve | Natura 2000 Network"
Actions to control invasive species
Sinalização vertical luminosa nas passadeiras (missing translation)
Electronic Water Bill
Forum Braga (missing translation)
Business Support Office
Butt in the Ashtray, Cool Bather
Motorhome Service Area
Municipal Forest Fire Defence System
Municipal Management Council of the Ericeira World Surfing Reserve
Ericeira World Surfing Reserve
Navegante" Single Metropolitan Social Pass
Support for Activities of Municipal Interest
Outros Projetos e Medidas (missing translation)
Programa Devagar se vai ao longe (missing translation)
Programa Municipal de Ocupação de Tempos Livres Jovem Pombal (OTL) (missing translation)
Clube de Leitura (missing translation)
Natal das Escolas (missing translation)
Programa DAE (Desfibrilhação Automática Externa) (missing translation)
Gabinete de Apoio ao Emigrante (GAE) (missing translation)
Conselho Municipal de Juventude (missing translation)
Ginásios ao ar livre (missing translation)
Employment-Internship Contracts in the Municipality
Encarreira-te (missing translation)
Bolsas de Estudo por condição de recursos, por mérito e de valor remanescente (missing translation)
Tavira Solidarity | Small Repairs
Labour gymnastics
Draft Municipal Regulations for Urban Tree Management in the Municipality of Portalegre
Pedestrian Corridor to the Health Centre
People's Festivities Interpretive Centre - House of Flowers
WIFI4EU Alter do Chão
Substituição de dispositivos de utilização em edifícios públicos (missing translation)
Use of ecological criteria in the purchase of goods and services
Inclusion desk
Awarding scholarships
Parents/Educators Training Cycle - Socio-emotional Literacy
Reducing water consumption - Abóboda Municipal Swimming Pool
Social Emergency Fund
Municipal toy library
Madalena Bem me Quer - Birth Incentive Scheme
Scholarships awarded to secondary and higher education students
Municipal Regulation to Support Degraded Housing
Municipal Afforestation Plan
Centro de Interpretação Mestre Templário Pedro Álvares Alvito (P062123 Linha + Interior Turismo) (missing translation)
Commemoration of the Municipal Day for Equality
Programa Municipal de Potenciação do Sucesso Escolar (PMPSE) (missing translation)
Christmas lunch for the elderly
"Parents, shall we play with our children?"
Sponsor a strawberry tree
Holidays with citizenship
Clean-up action at Arrifana Beach
Social assistance for workers.
Allocate Social Emergency Fund for Municipal Workers
Supporting Local Producers and Products
"Save the water... the world is in your hands"
Health Education Programme
Material Deprivation
School meals, milk and school fruit
Local Housing Strategy
Incentivo à produção e armazenamento de energia de fontes renováveis (missing translation)
Technical and financial cooperation protocol between APA and the Municipality of Alenquer
Brinca comigo, Eu aprendo contigo! Oficina Pais/ Filhos (missing translation)
Birras Infantis: Compreender e Intervir com Amor (missing translation)
CIDADANIA (missing translation)
Pombal Digital (missing translation)
Refeitórios Escolares- Saber para Cuidar! (missing translation)
Ginja (missing translation)
Radar Social de Pombal (missing translation)
Programa de Intervenção nas Vias Públicas (missing translation)
Municipal Strategy for Active, Healthy and Happy Ageing
Áreas de Reabilitação Urbana (ARUs) de Pombal (missing translation)
Programa de Capacitação de Dinamizadores Locais (missing translation)
Programa de Generalização do Fornecimento de Refeições Escolares aos Alunos do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico (missing translation)
Programa de Apoio ao Associativismo Cultural (missing translation)
Clube Top (missing translation)
Serviço de Atendimento e Acompanhamento Social (SAAS) (missing translation)
Like Saúde- Programa de Prevenção em Comportamentos Aditivos e Dependências (missing translation)
Rede Portuguesa de Municípios Saudáveis (RPMS) (missing translation)
Cacifo de leituras (missing translation)
Contos ao Luar (missing translation)
Dōing Pombal – Espaço Maker (missing translation)
Livros que te dão Música (missing translation)
Happycode – programar na Biblioteca (missing translation)
Brinquedoteca (missing translation)
Música e palavras nascem no colo dos afetos (missing translation)
Teatro Musical – Crianças ao Palco (missing translation)
Super Quinas (missing translation)
Dia Mundial da Criança (missing translation)
Programa Férias Ativas (missing translation)
Regulamento Interno de Funcionamento e Gestão dos Refeitórios Escolares de pré-escolar e 1º ciclo (missing translation)
Mais família, Mais educação (missing translation)
Telegestão Pombal (missing translation)
Natação livre (missing translation)
Purchase of refurbished computers
Informal Sports Gyms
Regulation of the Municipal Programme for the Co-payment of Medicines - Healthy Elderly
Execução de podas de manutenção e de fitossanidade em espaço urbano (missing translation)
Leite Escolar (missing translation)
Improving the energy efficiency of the Praia da Vitória wastewater treatment plant
Reading Volunteers
Associations on the Move
Community modular composters
Accessibility in cultural spaces
Municipal Social Emergency Fund
RECOLHABIO – Apoio à Implementação de Projetos de Recolha Seletiva de Biorresíduos (missing translation)
Coastal Geology - Exploratory Trail
Selective collection of fishing gear at Viana do Castelo Docks
Teatro RIIAV "Uma Aventura pela Igualdade" (missing translation)
Pre-school skating
Generation Zero Radio
Code of Conduct for preventing and combating harassment at work
Citizen Support Service
Georeferencing of existing trees in the municipality's public green spaces
Energy Efficiency | Centralised heating regulation in school buildings
Refill Project
Socio-educational support
Street Intervention Plan
Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan
Nordeste Town Council's manual of good sustainability practices
Selective Food Waste
Free Wi-Fi
Territorialisation of the national support network for victims of domestic violence
Active Holidays
Alignment tree planting
Tree Heritage Management
Instalação de painéis fotovoltaicos nas coberturas de edifícios escolares de gestão municipal (missing translation)
Farmer Support Office
Elderly Card
Explore Foz Côa
Foz Côa + Sustainable
Telecare Service
Crato Health Centre
Official Collection Centre for Companion Animals
School regime
Programme to reduce water consumption in the municipality
Awarding Scholarships
Poiares + Equal
Intervenção na rede viária municipal (missing translation)
Internet access in tourist offices
Almoço de Natal de idosos (missing translation)
Energy efficiency and promotion of renewable energies: "Raiano Cultural Centre of Idanha-a-Nova"
"The Island of Flores on the Route of the Corsairs"
Inauguration of the Ribeira do Pomar Mill Interpretive Centre
Ecological and Sustainable Mobility
Electric mobility charging point
StartupBraga (missing translation)
Espaço do Investidor (missing translation)
Artistic Creation Scholarship Programme
The Marias" community intervention project
Planting low-water plant species
Traditional fishing
Urban 95
Food support basket
Valley Shuttle
"Portugal + Equal" (ENIND)
Diaspora Investor Support Network - RAID
Cultural Heritage Reference Plates
Reducing the ecological footprint of the Municipality of Crato
+ Health: Healthy Habits and Lifestyles
Social Shop
Sustainable educational garden at school
Ecological restoration of natural/degraded habitats in the municipality of Leiria
Mexa-se + (missing translation)
Collection of urban green waste and rubbish
Ampliação do Polo II (missing translation)
Apoio Alimentar (missing translation)
Os Livros Não Vão de Férias (missing translation)
Super Iguais – Programa de Educação para a Igualdade de Género e para a Cidadania (missing translation)
Regulation of the Incentive Programme for Associations
Use of water from springs and boreholes for watering green spaces
Minimising the use of plastic at municipal events
Creation of Measurement and Control Zones - supply system