Zora - Marcoense Youth Movement

#Marco de Canaveses #Associação
Zora is an associative movement of young people from Marco de Canaveses whose main objective is the development of the municipality. It strives to ensure that young people are represented on the local agenda through different activities and initiatives in a wide range of areas. Statutory objectives: -To dynamise Marco de Canaveses' cultural scene; -Develop projects to involve young people in the community; -Promote the inclusion, participation and opinion of young people in the community and local public organisations; -Supporting the professional development of young people in the municipality of Marco de Canaveses; -Promoting local and regional identity and culture, reinforcing young people's sense of belonging; -Promote dialogue and the discussion of ideas as a basis for young people to unite and get involved in the community; -Stimulating the development of soft and hard skills in young people with a view to their more effective inclusion; -Developing activities with a view to sustainable development.
Número de participantes
persons per year

Jovens e pessoas que beneficiam das atividades

10 2
Promote universal social, economic and political inclusion
Recolhas de lixo efetuadas
limpezas per year

Arrastões ou caminhas ecológicas em que se procede à apanha de lixos em áreas florestais ou junto a linhas de água.

15 1
Conserve and restore terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems
Projetos criados
projetos desde constituição

Número de projetos que transcendem a organização: Cineclube do Marco Núcleo de Basquetebol Do Quarto Para a Rua

11 3
Inclusive and sustainable urbanization
Número de colaboradores voluntários
persons Fundação

Jovens que se associam e trabalham voluntariamente com a associação

17 17
Encourage effective partnerships
Iniciativas dinamizadas
iniciativas fundação

Iniciativas/eventos/atividades promovidas pela organização

4 7
Education for sustainable development and global citizenship
Project information
No. of people reached:
500 – 5000
Development Status:
In fructification