Agricultural production in Portugal generates large quantities of different by-products that are mostly disposed of as direct animal feed or in landfill sites. There is a need to mitigate by-products and food waste in the agricultural sector in Portugal and to reduce the use of antibiotics in animal feed. Waste2Value creates strategies for action and the development of innovative products, responding to both problems, adding value and making the use of natural resources more efficient, contributing to healthier food.
The Waste2Value project brings together local development associations, agricultural and livestock producers, the first processing industry and researchers who, in partnership, promote the recovery of by-products through applications in different economic sectors, public health concerns and the use of environmentally sustainable practices.

- Redução de Subprodutos
- N.ºtonnes per year
Redução de subprodutos da agricultura, valorização de recursos naturais, tratamento de afluentes, melhoria da saúde publica.
Target12 ● 2Sustainable management and use of natural resources
- Website:
- http://waste2value.pt/
- Promoter:
- Associação
- No. of people reached:
- 500 – 5000
- Development Status:
- In fructification