Voice of the Grandparents from Nascente to Foz
#Voz dos Avós
#Arte e Envelhecimento Ativo
#Memórias de Água Doce
Art and Active Ageing project developed by Encerrado para Obras, a theatre and music company, between September 2022 and September 2023 on the banks of the river Ceira (municipalities of Arganil, Pampilhosa da Serra, Góis, Lousã, Miranda do Corvo, Vila Nova de Poiares and Coimbra).
The project, supported by DGArtes, is being carried out in partnership with 14 IPSS and the local authorities of the seven municipalities. The first phase, lasting 6 months, consists of a vast collection of stories related to the river and the surrounding mountains, carried out over many dozens of meetings with the elderly by singers David Cruz and João Francisco and poet Maria Laranjeira. Based on these stories, the artists will compose 12 original songs, published on the CD Memórias de Água Doce, which will be presented in 7 concerts, one in each municipality, in August and September 2023. Accompanying the concerts will also be an exhibition of paintings and ceramics made by users of ANAI (Ass. Nac. de Apoio ao Idoso).

- Arte e Envelhecimento Ativo
- 200persons per month
O projeto promove a atividade cultural e artística da população idosa de toda a região, contribuindo para a salvaguarda do património coletivo imaterial e a plena inclusão dos seniores na comunidade.
Target10 ● 2Promote universal social, economic and political inclusion
Project information
- Website:
- http://encerradoparaobras.net
- Social Network:
- https://www.facebook.com/encerradoparaobras
- Promoter:
- Associação
- No. of people reached:
- 500 – 5000
- Development Status:
- Taking root