
#Viana do Castelo #Associação #jogos de tabuleiro #formação #cultura #partilha
A modern board games convention, with training workshops using board games or their methodology, the convention aims to develop skills using board games. Board games have been playing a more active role in their use as a didactic object and in creating added value in the field of education. Their use in the development of competences, being used in the classroom, in AEC, as well as their use in training, and in team building, has given very good results. We have games to develop our knowledge, on any subject we like, on biology and ecology, on history, games that develop our calculation skills and speed of thought, games that help us develop our collaboration skills, our strategies and our concentration. Games can be used from primary schools to senior homes and universities, to help healthy ageing, and to help maintain faculties such as memory and dexterity and concentration in older age. Board games can be used by young people for their development, by adults as a professional outlet, but also in training and team building, by the elderly as an aid to maintaining motor and cognitive skills, and even in the development of people with physical and cognitive limitations - modern board games have no limits in their use. In the last few VianaCon conventions, we've had several thousand people pass through the Viana do Castelo Cultural Centre, several generations playing the same tables, people from different countries playing and sharing experiences, and most important of all, healthy and positive coexistence. In short, and for all these reasons, board games can help develop our society, with an object of art that can be ecological, doesn't waste energy and can be used several times. When someone says they don't like board games, or that they don't like to play, they simply haven't found their game of choice yet, and we're here to make up for it.
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Levar o jogos de tabuleiro, objeto moderno de Cultura que consegue no mesmo objeto juntar várias vertentes artísticas, desenvolve capacidades e competências, promove convívio, inclusão.

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Universal literacy and numeracy
Project information
No. of people reached:
500 – 5000
Development Status:
In fructification