Water Use for Reuse

#Loulé #Empresa #ambiente #sustentabilidade #água #rega #reutilização de recursos #inovação
Inframoura intends to reuse the treated wastewater (APR) from the Vilamoura Wastewater Treatment Plant in its public space maintenance activities, including the supply of an area of public green spaces, street washing and the cleaning and unblocking of collectors, with an estimated annual use of approximately 111 500m3. The project for the execution of the APR distribution system is currently underway, which includes the construction of a reservoir, a pumping station and a separate distribution network. Inframoura, assuming the need to use alternative sources of water to the public supply, carried out, together with Vilamoura World, an assessment of the volumes of water consumed in the Vilamoura territory that could, in the future, be supplied by this system.
Project information
No. of people reached:
500 – 5000
Development Status: