Senior University
#Ponte de Sor
This is a project that the Municipality of Ponte de Sor is proud to support, as it is an initiative that provides various occupational and developmental activities for the municipality's senior population, who live active lives. In this sense, the Ponte de Sor municipality, among other support, provides a sports coach and the necessary sports facilities for the elderly to enjoy physical activity classes with the aim of promoting healthy habits and lifestyles. In conjunction with a local association (Associação CAMINHAR - Associação Cristã de Apoio Social). The municipality supports the development of activities aimed at the senior population, combating isolation and loneliness and providing this age group with an active life.
The project has a number of different activities, including physical and sporting activities, art, English, IT, painting, etc...

- População Sénior do concelho de Ponte de Sor (200)
- N.ºpersons Semanal
A Universidade Sénior da Associação CAMINHAR, conta com o precioso apoio do Município de Ponte de Sor, que reconhece a importância do projeto na vida dos munícipes, mais concretamente na população mais idosa.
Target3 ● 4Reduce mortality from non-communicable diseases and promote mental health
Project information
- Promoter:
- Associação
- No. of people reached:
- 25 – 100
- Development Status:
- In fructification