UniBairro E9G
The UniBairro-E9G project is a social intervention and community development development project whose areas of intervention are the Calçada, Barrosa and Serrano neighbourhoods. Serrano neighbourhood.
Promoted by Montijo Town Council and managed by the Santa Casa da Misericórdia do Montijo, it relies on the collaboration of several partners, one of which is the Montijo School Group. Centred on promoting success at school, personal and social development, combating discrimination discrimination, promoting equal opportunities, civic and cultural involvement, among others, the project features a range of personal, social and cultural enrichment activities, such as and cultural enrichment activities, such as
- Study support and vocational guidance activities;
- Activities to promote health and well-being, such as psychological support and
- Artistic and cultural development sessions;
- Sports and musical activities;
Monitoring and development of technological skills.
Environmental awareness activities.

- Promoter:
- Outro
- No. of people reached:
- 100 – 500
- Development Status:
- Taking root