One School, One Forest - Escola EB 2/3 de Algoz

#Silves #Outro #Biodiversidade #conservação #regeneração #conexão #ambiente #educação ambiental
This action was planned as part of the "One School, One Forest" project, developed by Nativawaky and supported by the Rotary Club of Silves. On 8 November 2024, in addition to the planting of this mini forest, diverse in native species, the Biodiversity Laboratory was also inaugurated. These two spaces will be complementary and will serve to develop various activities, which will be based on the area of citizenship and the development of young people and the school community. A total of 330 trees were planted (30 of native species), with the participation of 80 volunteers. The planting area is 110 m2. This mini forest is an "open-air classroom", as it will facilitate the "exploration of different syllabuses for all levels of education", as well as "environmental awareness and educational activities" and contact with nature.
Project information
No. of people reached:
100 – 500
Development Status:
In fructification