
#Setúbal #IPSS ##IPDJ#Programaescolhas# #TT-Teiatrampolim.e9g#dobairroparaomundo
TT-TeiaTrampolim - E9G intervenes directly with young people aged between 12 and 20, 55 students starting 7th grade. It includes their families, the rest of the school community and people from the communities/neighbourhoods in which it takes place. It takes place at Lima de Freitas Primary and Secondary School and in the Casal das Figueiras, Viso and Pescadores neighbourhoods in the Setúbal district. It contributes to the 2 strategic intervention measures, the main one being Measure II - Community Dynamisation and Citizenship. It aims to stimulate participation, intercultural dialogue, cultural democracy, equality and non-discrimination, with the general objective of contributing to the promotion of school success and social/democratic inclusion of adolescents and young people through the development of socio-emotional skills and the awareness of individuals as agents of social change. Activities: "Beyond the (Im)Possible", with support and study strategies; "Mind Fitness" works on socio-affective and emotional skills; "ComSentimentos" helps with the ethical use of ICT, working on non-discrimination and Informed Consent; "Sair do Meu Bairro" educates through the arts, trains the expression of the individual and collective "I"; "Coolturas" is intercultural dialogue and appreciation of diversity, facilitates international mobility; "A Nossa Voz, Cenas e Assembleias" supports associative culture, gives expression to the adolescent voice; "O Futuro é meu!" works on the socio-professional life project; "Trampoline Community" is community empowerment among carers, teaching and non-teaching staff. It values and empowers people to co-construct artistic and sporting solutions. Young people develop socio-emotional, artistic and cultural skills, civic and community participation, self-expression and the empowerment of families and the community; and "Tá a Mexerr" encourages the practice of sport and movement.
Nº de Crianças e Jovens beneficiados
persons per year

Com o Projeto TT, pretende-se a promoção do sucesso escolar, a criação de oportunidades e contacto com atividades, espaços, pessoas e recursos para o alargamento dos horizontes possíveis.

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Ensure full participation in leadership and decision-making
Project information
No. of people reached:
100 – 500
Development Status:
Taking root