Transforming the End of the World

#Cascais #IPSS
The project aims to respond to the problem of the degradation of municipal heritage and the rubbish and lack of cleanliness in urban spaces, involving the population and offering simple and sustainable alternatives. The implementation phase is based on two axes: environmental awareness-raising activities (health and environment); upgrading families' living spaces. The methodology is based on mobilising the resident population, from the perspective that their involvement in the various processes guarantees greater suitability of the changes made and an effective commitment to conservation and maintenance. This is how the figure of neighbourhood mediators came about. They are a response to problems identified in the area, especially those where traditional solutions have proved insufficient. This community mediation is interesting in that, by experiencing these problems themselves, they will be catalysts for behavioural change through their intervention.
Participação social
per year

Através dos conselhos de bairro e da organização do concurso dos lotes pretende-se mobilizar, identificar e capacitar moradores no bairro para participarem na requalificação dos lotes.

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Reduce the environmental impacts of cities
Empreendedorismo no bairro
per month

Através da realização mensal da feira comunitária criaram-se condições para os moradores poderem vender artigos diversos, entre eles a confeção de comida e receitas das comunidades residentes no bairro

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Promote policies to support job creation and growing enterprises
Saúde e desporto
per month

Organizaram-se atividades/eventos desportivos em vários modelos (cicloturismo, passeios, atelier´s de zumba, cardiofitness, torneios de futsal) para promover estilos de vida sudáveis

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Reduce mortality from non-communicable diseases and promote mental health
Project information
No. of people reached:
100 – 500
Development Status:
Taking root