This project will take place in the Torre neighbourhood in Cascais. It brings together three organisations: the Cascais and Estoril Parish Council, the Claro Youth Association and the Gaivotas da Torre Association. Torre PLSTIK focuses mainly on the environmental, economic and social areas, translating into a circular economy project and empowering young people from the Torre neighbourhood. Initially, it will consist of the production and sale of skateboards made from plastic collected in the neighbourhood and on the beaches of the Cascais municipality, meeting the needs of young people in the neighbourhood, creating job opportunities and encouraging greater use of the skatepark in the Torre neighbourhood. It aims to be an educational centre for the circular economy.
- quilos de plástico reutilizado em produtos produzidos pelo projeto
- 120kilograms 8 meses
Ao longo de 8 meses de projeto produzimos 80 skates, com cerca de 1,5kg cada um, totalizando 120 quilos de plástico reaproveitado.
Target12 ● 5Substantially reduce waste generation - Workshops realizados
- 150persons 8 meses
Nos 12 workshops de produção de skates realizados, atingimos 150 pessoas diretas (em sua maioria crianças e jovens).
Target12 ● 8Promote universal understanding of sustainable lifestyles
Project information
- Promoter:
- Associação
- No. of people reached:
- 25 – 100
- Development Status:
- Sprouting