STEp Health Therapy Personalised education

#Barreiro #Empresa #Saúde #Terapia #Educação #Neurodesenvolvimento
We are a creative and dynamic team that seeks to promote equity. We have extensive experience in psychomotricity, speech therapy, occupational therapy, psychology, physiotherapy and nursing, and we intervene in cases of neurodevelopmental disorders of all age groups. We stand out for the workshops and training we provide for the community, from preparation for childbirth to strategies for informal carers, and we are concerned with all stages of life. We also create and sell educational materials.
500 famílias apoiadas
persons per month

Pretendemos apoiar em diversas especialidades terapêuticas pessoas de diferentes idades melhorando a sua qualidade de vida, saúde e bem-estar

3 8
Achieve universal health coverage
Project information
No. of people reached:
500 – 5000
Development Status:
Taking root