Integrated video surveillance system to prevent rural fires in Cávado
#Administração regional
The Cávado Intermunicipal Community, aware of the heterogeneity of its territories and their propensity for the occurrence and spread of rural fires, and with the aim of
and with a view to developing a regional strategy to minimise the impact of forest fires by making the most of the resources available to monitor, detect and combat them.
for monitoring, detecting and fighting them.
This system is an asset for the region and the country, making the forestry sector more resilient to the problem of forest fires. It complements and reinforces the existing resources in the region and is a way of contributing to the early detection of fires and the rapid dispatch of fire-fighting resources. In addition, the system will enable the definition of strategies for combating forest fires, and will also contribute to decision support.
decision making.

- Tornar o setor florestal mais resiliente à problemática dos incêndios florestais
- 450000persons per year
O sistema permite a definição de estratégias de combate aos incêndios florestais, deteção precoce dos incêndios e para o despacho rápido dos meios de combate contribuindo igualmente para o apoio à decisão.
Target11 ▶ bImplement policies for inclusion, resource efficiency and disaster risk reduction
Project information
- Promoter:
- Administração regional
- No. of people reached:
- ≥ 10000
- Development Status:
- In seed