Waste Remote Management System

#Loulé #Empresa #Resíduos #gestão resíduos #ambiente #sustentabilidade
The telemetry system, implemented in all undifferentiated waste disposal containers (360Waste system), aggregates all the information from various sources for objective and appropriate decision-making and strategy definition. The volumetric sensors installed enable information to be collected for efficient waste collection, generating circuits composed only of containers with a satisfactory level of filling. This is possible by integrating an intelligent system in all the vehicles assigned to waste collection, which create a two-way communication channel with the telemanagement system, receiving guidelines for precise execution. The 360Waste system is based on the good management of waste collection, in order to contribute to the reduction of the territory's ecological footprint.
Project information
No. of people reached:
5000 – 10000
Development Status:
Taking root