Proximity Service

#Vila Pouca de Aguiar #Associação
The "Serviço de Proximidade" project emerges in a social and health context of great significance for the elderly population, namely in terms of access to and guarantee of basic health care. The worsening of demographic ageing, especially in the interior regions of the country, highlights the need to develop innovative practices to support the elderly, which are an alternative to institutionalisation. This project is to be implemented in the village of Lagoa, located in the outskirts of the municipality of Vila Pouca de Aguiar. Besides its location, the village is characterized by its extremely aged population (more than half of the people are 65 years old or older), which limits the mobility of the residents. The reality shows that these constraints hinder the access to quality health care and compromise the physical, psychological and mental well-being of the elderly.
Project information
No. of people reached:
10 – 25
Development Status:
Taking root