Sampauts - E9G

#Valongo #Associação ##sampautas ##comunidade ##sampaio ##música
The Sampautas project is a proposal for social, artistic and cultural intervention to be implemented in the town of Sampaio, in the parish of Ermesinde, Valongo. Its main beneficiaries are people aged between 6 and 10 and it is designed to be a tool for educational, community and civic dynamisation on a large scale, fully involving the population of this place where significant socio-economic shortcomings have been identified. With inclusion through music as its main tool, the Sampautas project is a mechanism for fostering school success and social cohesion, and is set up with the problems of absenteeism and school failure, indiscipline and academic difficulties, socio-economic vulnerability and lack of cultural access and civic participation in mind.
Nº de crianças integradas no projeto Sampautas
persons per year

Projeto social e comunitário que visa combater a vulnerabilidade do abandono escolar e a exclusão social e cultural no lugar de Sampaio, Ermesinde.

4 a
Build and upgrade inclusive and safe schools
Project information
No. of people reached:
25 – 100
Development Status:
In fructification