Re-food Bonfim

#Porto #IPSS ##Refood #Bonfim #Aproveitar para alimentar #combate desperdício alimentar #IPSS #inclusao #voluntariado

The Re-food Bonfim Operations Centre is located in Rua de Santos Pousada, next to the Irmandade de São Crispim.

Re-food is an independent, citizen-led, 100% volunteer organisation, an eco-humanitarian charitable community working to eliminate food waste and hunger in every neighbourhood. Re-food operates in and for the community, working without salaries and avoiding any and all costs or investments that do not serve its mission. Re-food has a low-cost/high-productivity model that improves the quality of life of people in need, while strengthening the social fabric of the local community. Eliminating food waste and hunger by involving the whole community in a common cause.

Comida resgatada
kilograms per month

Resgatamos em média 100kg mensais de excedentes alimentares (que iriam para o lixo) e encaminhamos o que ainda está próprio para consumir para famílias carenciadas que apoiamos.

12 3
Halve global per capita food waste
Nº de famílias apoiadas
persons por semana
1 3
Implement social protection systems
Project information
No. of people reached:
25 – 100
Development Status:
Taking root