Mental Health Promotion in Higher Education

#Portalegre #Instituição de ensino
This is a project that aims to promote mental health in higher education through a transdisciplinary model in which the student participates in decision-making and is an active agent in the development and implementation of the various interventions. It is based on a Stepped Care approach that aims to provide each student with the the health care they need in the most appropriate form and intensity. This project aims to respond to the demand for psychological and psycho-pedagogical support services, as well as promoting resilience, self-care, healthy individual habits, psychological well-being, mutual understanding and the creation of partnerships with local health organisations with a view to making interventions more comprehensive, by improving average response times, improving the efficiency and effectiveness of internal processes, consolidating internal strategies for integrating and accompanying students and combating the social stigma associated with psychological and socio-emotional difficulties and problems.
Project information
Instituição de ensino
No. of people reached:
5000 – 10000
Development Status:
Taking root