Connect Project
#Paços de Ferreira
#Instituição de ensino
The Liga-te Project, which covers all stages of education, is organised by the Health Education Department of the Portuguese League Against Cancer (LPCC)-Northern Regional Centre. This project, which runs from September to June, develops activities that aim to raise awareness among students and the school community about choosing healthy lifestyles, cancer prevention and health promotion. The LPCC provides an annual proposal, allowing sufficient autonomy for activities to be (re)invented according to the needs of each school community. This project organises different activities: World Food Day; No Smoking Day; Alcoholism, Mental Health, Importance of Physical Exercise; Pink October - Breast Cancer Prevention, Healthy Sun Heroes, European Code Against Cancer Championship - GAME ON; World Cancer Day; HPV. This project collaborates and liaises with the school's different clubs and projects.
Project information
- Promoter:
- Instituição de ensino
- No. of people reached:
- ≥ 10000
- Development Status:
- In fructification