CVP Intergenerational Youth Project

#Torres Vedras #IPSS #solidariedade #idosos #Cruz Vermelha #Jovens
In June, the Torres Vedras Red Cross Youth, a team of more than 50 young volunteers, launched a new social project: the Intergenerational Project. The premise is simple: the young volunteers go to the municipality's nursing homes to spend an afternoon with their users. During that afternoon they take with them various cognitive and motor development activities, delighting the elderly with a different afternoon from usual, while also learning a lot from their experience and advice. The project began on the initiative of the youth volunteers themselves, who wanted to be in contact with the elderly. They decided that they would visit all the parishes in the municipality, especially those furthest from the city and the oldest, for at least a whole year. The experience of the elderly, combined with the compassion and affection of the young, formed the perfect combination. the perfect combination: a mixture of learning, unity and a lot of joy. joy.
Aproximar os jovens aos idosos dos lares das 13 freguesias do concelho
Freguesias per year

Sendo que os idosos institucionalizados perdem, tendencialmente, o contacto com as pessoas da sua terra, e principalmente com os jovens desta, o nosso projeto pretende não deixar desaparecer tal união

10 2
Promote universal social, economic and political inclusion
Project information
No. of people reached:
100 – 500
Development Status:
In fructification