Project for the intervention, landscape, urban and environmental requalification of the Nascentes Dam

#Crato #Associação

Crato Municipality a contract with the Waking Life Association, for 10 years, in the space of the Nascentes Dam for the implementation of a project of nature regeneration, economic development, and cultural, recreational and pedagogical dynamisation with well defined goals.

In fact, the dam's reservoir has hosted an annual international arts and music event, Waking Life, which brings thousands of visitors to Crato every year. Now, continuing with the vision that started this project, the Waking Life Association has joined forces with Terrasua (Géraldine Lepoittevin and Bruno Nunes) to create and implement a project of intervention in the dam's territory of landscape, urban and environmental requalification of the Nascent Dam, creating opportunities for the population and visitors and tourists to enjoy the site, through the creation of leisure spaces with adequate support, creation of signage, waste deposits, pedestrian circuits and ornithological observation posts, among others. Environmental awareness activities are also planned, especially in local schools, as well as other activities to make the area more dynamic. These activities are designed to bring the association together with the local community and to learn from each other.

This intervention involves the regeneration of the cork oak forest, the creation of community vegetable gardens in a regenerative manner, in which everything that is produced improves the soil, the development of educational activities, the creation of better infrastructures for the population to enjoy the space and always from a perspective of environmental sustainability.

Project information
No. of people reached:
500 – 5000
Development Status:
In fructification