Tivoli Centre Project

#Loulé #Empresa #mobilidade #sustentabilidade #inovação #ambiente
Loulé City Council and Inframoura want to revolutionise the heart of Vilamoura with the creation of a green park that will bring generations closer together, turning it into a large "living room" embraced by the urban fabric The space in the centre of the hotels in the urban centre, until now only used for parking, is to be converted into a green park, a project that promises to revolutionise the heart of Vilamoura. With a total surface area of approximately 2.7 hectares, the project aims to recover areas which, despite being located in the prime area of Vilamoura, had no use other than parking, making them available to the public. With this intervention, the aim is to give continuity to the green area that extends along the central corridor of Vilamoura, converging it into an urban park that will be the "living room" of Vilamoura, a kind of modal centre where people converge and also depart in various directions.
Project information
No. of people reached:
5000 – 10000
Development Status: