Cascais Compassionate Project

#Cascais #Associação
The Cascais Compassiva Project is promoted by the Oficina da Compaixão Association and aims to create community care networks that, sensitised, informed and trained, guarantee compassionate, collaborative, safe and effective care in the physical, emotional, social and spiritual dimensions for people with advanced chronic illness and/or at the end of life and their families, raising the sense of Compassion as an integral part of the community's identity. Thus, caring for people at the end of life implies the fulfilment of all their needs, the alleviation of all types of suffering, and should be a responsibility of everyone as a community, not only of health and social services. This is the basis of Compassionate Communities and is the starting point of the work of the Compassion Workshop.
Melhorar o cuidado a pessoas em fim de vida, no concelho de Cascais
persons per year

Este projeto visa promover a compaixão no cuidado a pessoas em fim de vida, através da sensibilização e formação de cuidadores formais de equipas de S. Apoio Domiciliário, CI e Voluntários

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Reduce mortality from non-communicable diseases and promote mental health
Project information
No. of people reached:
100 – 500
Development Status:
In fructification