Project ÁS - Healthy Swallows

#Braga #Associação #andorinhas #braga #andorinhassaudavel
The mission of the Andorinhas Neighbourhood Association is to work to defend and support the residents of the Andorinhas Social Neighbourhood, as well as to create conditions aimed at improving their quality of life and housing. Benefiting from its proximity to the population, the Residents' Association is increasingly called upon to intervene in various issues relating to the neighbourhood. The ÁS-Andorinhas Saudável (Healthy ÁS-Andorinhas) project, which includes several partners, is an opportunity to give the Association and the neighbourhood a transformative dynamic and respond to the real needs felt by the people who live there, both socially and in terms of health, significantly improving people's living conditions through activities that promote citizenship, social cohesion and healthy living habits, as well as combating school failure and social isolation. The neighbourhood, managed by Bragahabit, has 224 homes, where more than 700 people live.
Ações de Saúde
persons per year

Implementação de “Programas de Saúde” nas áreas da alimentação, consumos abusivos de álcool e tabaco, e sexualidade.

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Prevent and treat substance abuse
Ações de parentalidade positiva
Famílias per year

Ações de parentalidade positiva destinadas a pais de crianças até aos 6 anos (Projeto Adélia - “Anos Incríveis”) e entre os 10-18 anos (Projeto Adélia - “Mais família-Mais jovem”)

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Education for sustainable development and global citizenship
Promoção hábitos de vida saudável
persons per month

Programa de promoção da Atividade física. Nasceu para criar hábitos de caminhar, correr, ginástica ao ar livre, dançar, e introduzimos a prática de exercício nas rotinas dos moradores.

3 4
Reduce mortality from non-communicable diseases and promote mental health
Project information
No. of people reached:
100 – 500
Development Status:
In fructification