Prevent It Like a Gentleman

#Loulé #Empresa #Cancro da próstata #saúde #bem-estar #rastreios #saúde mental
With the vision of creating a better day-to-day life for most people, MAR Shopping Algarve integrates health and well-being into its entire operation. As part of its strategy, it aims to play a positive role in society, interacting with the communities in which it operates. It thus aims to maximise its impact in awareness-raising actions, making use of and sharing knowledge and resources for the benefit of people, communities and the planet. In 2018, with the aim of raising awareness of prostate cancer, MAR Shopping Algarve launched the "Prevent It" initiative. In partnership with the HPA Clinic at MAR Shopping Algarve, we are offering free screenings as a way of raising awareness and ensuring equal opportunities, thus alerting people to the need to anticipate diagnosis as a way of guaranteeing timely treatment of the disease and increasing life expectancy.
Saúde de qualidade
persons desde 2021

Garantir uma vida saudável e promover o bem-estar para todos, em todas as idades - prevenção e tratamento, e promover a saúde mental e o bem-estar1.

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Reduce mortality from non-communicable diseases and promote mental health
Redução das desigualdades
persons desde 2021

Os rastreios gratuitos garantem que todos têm a mesma oportunidade de diagnóstico precoce, independentemente da sua situação financeira - 91 individuos encaminhados para acompanhamento face resultados

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Encourage effective partnerships
Parcerias para a Implementação dos Objetivos

Revitalizar a parceria global para o desenvolvimento sustentável. A colaboração com a Clínica HPA é um exemplo de parceria público-privada que contribui para o alcance dos ODS

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Encourage effective partnerships
Project information
Social Network:
No. of people reached:
500 – 5000
Development Status: