Behind a rosTO® (PDR®)
#Pessoa em situação de sem-abrigo
#Terapia Ocupacional
#Abordagens Criativas
The project proposes the exploration of the life story of the person experiencing homelessness (PSSA) through individual Occupational Therapy sessions (using creative approaches, photovoice and digital narratives) and a final event, which aims to give voice and shape to the participants' experiences as an act of advocacy and incentive for policy changes. The premise of PDR®, innovative in its approach to this population, is the evocation of memories as a vehicle for the reconstruction of identity. Its main objective is to lead 10 PSSA, for a period of 12 months, to positive identification processes, using the evocation of memories as a vehicle for the reconstruction of their identity. Secondary objectives are: Promote the self-expression of PSSA, giving voice to their experiences; Sensitise the community to the problem of discrimination and stigma of PSSA; and Contribute to the process of addressing the RSC, promoting a complementary and integrated intervention.
- Nº de participantes em edições do PDR
- 20persons per year
85 sessões de Terapia Ocupacional distribuídas pelas áreas: família, relações inter-pessoais, rotina, educação, profissional, saúde, auto-percepção e eventos de vida significativos
Target1 ● 1Eradicate extreme poverty
Project information
- Promoter:
- No. of people reached:
- 10 – 25
- Development Status:
- In fructification