#Literacia motora
#Necessidades Educativas Especiais
#Mitigação efeitos da pandemia.
The project was built in partnership between TICTAC and the Odemira parents' and guardians' associations and was very much participated in by the children of the 1st cycle schools in the parishes involved through the Play Advisory Council (a group of 15 children from various levels and schools that we formalised to help us design and monitor the implementation of the project). It targets children aged 6-10 and aims to organise playgroups in public gardens and natural spaces, monitored by specialists in areas such as Psychomotricity, Sport, Circus, Theatre, Music and Traditional Games. Each of the sessions (168 in total and scheduled for Saturday and Sunday mornings) has an organised, pre-planned play part and a free-play part that will develop the children's autonomy and creativity. TIC TAC coordinates the project.
- Brincar em Jardins Públicos
- 173Sessões Todos os sábados e domingos de novembro de 2021 a junho de 2022
Organização de grupos de Brincar em jardins públicos com crianças entre os 5 e os 12 anos em atividades organizadas de Artes, Desporto, Música, Circo e Jogos Tradicionais e de Brincadeira Livre
Target11 ● 7Provide access to safe and inclusive green and public spaces
Project information
- Promoter:
- Associação
- No. of people reached:
- 500 – 5000
- Development Status:
- In seed