PIP - Prevent, Include and Share

#Porto #IPSS
The vast majority of the beneficiaries of this project live in a context marked by drug trafficking and consumption, a reality that is often reported. On the one hand, this project aims to offer activities that occupy free time in an educational way, taking time and space away from this context, and on the other hand, to provide individualised support for children and young people who have already been signposted. To this end, a series of activities have been devised that promote maintenance and/or referral to education/training/employment structures, as well as actions that provide participants with relevant information on subjects that, according to our practice of working with this public, they don't have or - worse - obtain incorrectly. These include issues related to the consumption of psychoactive substances, children's rights, etc. From a methodological point of view, the project has 4 main institutions that signal risk situations: the School Groups; the CPCJ, the DGRSP and the Parents' Association. Once a referral has been made, it is necessary to work out, together with the school, the family and the child/young person, which activities, available on application, are best suited to resolving the problem(s) identified, always with a view to working together. To this end, a set of activities has been devised that respond to the problems identified and, at the same time, provide added value for the whole community. The project will therefore have two spaces for more individualised work, aimed at children, young people and families. These are: 1) Psychosocial Support Office - in which a joint intervention plan is developed to respond to the problem identified, as well as all the follow-up work; 2) Family Mediation - mediation and counselling for families in conflict situations, seeking to resolve problems and strengthen family ties, establishing bridges between the family, the school and other important devices in the child's/young person's life; As far as group activities are concerned, the project is structured around 8 activities. These are: 1) Active Citizenship - encouraging the active participation of children, young people and the community, promoting awareness of rights and duties, as well as stimulating involvement in community actions and social projects. This activity will take place in EB1 and EB 2,3 during the school term; 2) Arts Laboratory - to promote creative and artistic expression by offering activities related to painting, theatre and other art forms. This workshop will continue the themes worked on in Active Citizenship and will be developed, above all, in the Youth Initiative Centre (ADILO space); 3) Sports Laboratory - to encourage the practice of physical and sporting activities, providing spaces that encourage an active and healthy lifestyle. This activity will result in referrals to 9 activities made available in a consortium by Boavista Futebol Clube and the creation of a women's football team; 4) Quero é brincar! - carrying out play and recreational activities in EB 1 playgrounds, with the aim of promoting social interaction and fun, preventing conflict situations in these spaces; 5) Political School - promoting knowledge about political processes and citizenship, encouraging informed and responsible participation by members of the community in local political decisions. It is the project's intention that this activity will result in the setting up of two Student Associations in the two EB 2,3 schools and the creation of an Immigrant Youth Association; 6) Studying with method - to provide effective study tools and methods for children and young people, with a view to educational support and academic development; 7) E-Liga-te - to provide access to digital tools in order to reduce digital exclusion and promote social inclusion. The programme for this activity will be carried out in close cooperation with the ESE and developed at the Digital Inclusion Centre; 8) PIP Holidays - organising recreational and educational activities during the school holidays, with the aim of keeping children and young people involved and providing constructive leisure time. With this set of interlinked activities, this project aims to respond to the problems identified in a gradual, participatory and innovative way.
Promover a igualdade de género
per month

Ações de esclarecimento/sensibilização sobre a igualdade de direitos entre géneros.

5 1
End Discrimination against women and girls
Project information
No. of people reached:
500 – 5000
Development Status:
Taking root