New European Bauhaus (NEB) - Network Villages for the Future - Sortelha

#Sabugal #Outro #NEB #Sortelha #EUROACE #Aldeias Históricas de Portugal
Sortelha is part of the "Network of Villages for the Future" project, whose application was submitted to the DGRégio's Support to New European Bauhaus (NEB) local Initiatives call and was approved in July 2022. This application considers small rural settlements in the EUROACE territory, a cross-border Euroregion that includes the NUTS 2 regions Alentejo, Centro and Extremadura (Portugal-Spain). The Network of Villages for the Future initiative emphasises communities in terms of transforming the places where they live. From the very first phase (outlining the type of intervention and location), in which they were consulted, and as the project progresses, the Sortelha community is called upon to give its opinion, a clear bottom-up development approach centred on the people, also giving them responsibility for what the future of their village will be.
Oscultação da Comunidade - Intervenção Bottom-up
persons per year

Oscultação da comunidade de forma a perceber que tipo de intervenção a efectuar na comunidade

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Encourage effective partnerships
Oscultação da Comunidade - Intervenção Bottom-up
persons per year

Oscultação da comunidade de forma a perceber que tipo de intervenção a efectuar na comunidade

1 a
Mobilize Resources to Implement Policies to End Poverty
Project information
No. of people reached:
25 – 100
Development Status:
Taking root