MIXOEIRA_INOVA - Healthy Neighbourhood and Solidarity
CulturFACE aims to promote neighbourly relations based on intercultural dialogue, human rights education, resilience, social relations, health awareness and information and the promotion of the social economy for sustainable development. To this end, it will promote the creation of a neighbourhood network with residents, and a term of responsibility will be signed between everyone, with rules for healthy coexistence, respect and citizenship. To this end, it will support and mentor the execution and implementation of commercial spaces that will also be points of reference, promoting the local economy and will develop information, awareness-raising actions for health in the context of Covid-19, urban hygiene initiatives, cultural, entrepreneurship, combating isolation and prejudice and discrimination, together with partner entities.
- Construção de Redes de Vizinhança
- 50persons
Promoção de relações saudável e colaborativas entre moradores dos bairros de Ameixoeira em Lisboa e de Vale do Forno e Urmeira em Odivelas, e combate aos discursos de ódio.
Target16 ● 1Reduce violence everywhere - Promoção do Empreendedorismo
- 5persons
Ações de formação e facilitação ao empreendedorismo de moradores dos bairros contemplados pelo projeto, estimulando a economia do local, bem como o desenvolvimento sustentável.
Target8 ● 3Promote policies to support job creation and growing enterprises
Project information
- Promoter:
- No. of people reached:
- 25 – 100
- Development Status:
- In fructification