Urban mini-forest - Camillus

#Oeiras #Instituição de ensino #Minifloresta #Miyawaki #Sustentabilidade

As part of the "Growing up with Science... Outside" sub-project of C4 (Clube Ciência Viva da Escola) and with the support of researcher António Alexandre, co-coordinator of FCULresta and the Education Department and the Green Structure Division of CMO, we are planting an urban mini-forest at Camilo Castelo Branco Secondary School, following the Miyawaki method.

The main aim of this project is to transform one of the school's spaces into a dense, biodiverse and multifunctional mini-forest, which will be a practical reference for promoting urban biodiversity, through a transdisciplinary approach to mobilising the community for climate action. The school will now have a "living laboratory" where students from all stages of education can carry out practical field activities, integrating different areas of knowledge.

Project information
Instituição de ensino
No. of people reached:
500 – 5000
Development Status:
Taking root