ISEG's mini-forest

#Lisboa #Instituição de ensino #mini-floresta #Miyawaki #participação #comunidade universitária
The mini-forest at ISEG, University of Lisbon, is located on its campus, next to the library. ISEG students, researchers, teachers and staff as well as residents of the Estrela neighbourhood and other interested people participate in all the stages and tasks of creating and caring for the mini-forest through interdisciplinary workshops. This collective process takes place within the framework of the TERRARE action-research project, developed at SOCIUS/CSG, ISEG by researcher Oriana Rainho Brás, in close co-operation with ISEG Sustainability. The project also has the collaboration of biologist António Alexandre from 2Adapt-Serviços de Adaptação Climática and FCUL, and the partnership of the Estrela Parish Council, ValorSul-Valorização e Tratamento de Resíduos Sólidos das Regiões de Lisboa e do Oeste, SA, which supplied the organic compost to enrich the soil, and ICNF, which supplied some of the trees planted.
Biodiversidade local

Número de espécies florestais plantadas

15 2
End deforestation and restore degraded forests
Envolvimento e participação na criação e cuidado da mini-floresta

Número de pessoas envolvidas nas oficinas e rega da mini-floresta

4 7
Education for sustainable development and global citizenship
Project information
Instituição de ensino
No. of people reached:
25 – 100
Development Status:
Taking root