MeteoFreixo, an educational project for climate adaptation
#Ponte de Lima
#Instituição de ensino
#ação climática
The MeteoFreixo Club, created in 2017/18, provides a daily regional meteorological service, known as "TV Meteo". The video weather forecast for the Minho region is made by students and is followed by the community and local institutions via the digital channels provided, one of our objectives - public service. Warnings are also issued about natural risks (especially fires, frost, storms) associated with extreme events and about local air quality. The project has expanded to include a "climate studies centre", made up of student researchers who monitor meteorological data by publishing monthly/annual temperature and precipitation reports. These reports are published monthly in the Correio Minho and Diário Minho newspapers. Meteorology workshops for other schools, teacher training, the organisation of cross-border climate change congresses and research are other activities carried out at MeteoFreixo.
- Nº de cidadãos sensibilizados para as alterações climáticas
- 500persons per month
Sensibilização da comunidade para as alterações climáticas, através da prestação de serviço público de informação meteorológica e avisos de riscos naturais, workshops, formações e atividades de campo.
Target13 ● 3Build knowledge and capacity to meet climate change - Nº de cidadãos com práticas sustentáveis de resiliência climática
- 100famílias per month
Percecionar como os cidadãos estão mais despertos para a problemática das alterações climáticas e mudaram os seus comportamentos (adaptação e resiliência climática).
Target13 ● 1Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related disasters
Project information
- Website:
- Promoter:
- Instituição de ensino
- No. of people reached:
- 100 – 500
- Development Status:
- In fructification