MeteoFreixo, climate resilience education project

#Ponte de Lima #Instituição de ensino #Meteorologia #Alterações Climáticas #Riscos Naturais #Resiliência
The MeteoFreixo school project was born from the installation of an analogue weather station in October 2017. The participation of students in this experimental science project regularly records and processes meteorological data and ensures the publication of the regional forecast bulletin. The public service nature of the weather forecast has also been extended to digital format with "tv meteofreixo", available on the various digital networks. The project was entered into the Ilídio Pinho Foundation's School Science competition and was selected for the National Showcase of the best projects, in editions XV and XVI. It was awarded an honourable mention for creating an innovative formula for the Natural Risk Index for fire and frost (IRINA). The MeteoFreixo project has won four Cross-Border Congresses on Meteorology and Climate Change (2018, 2019, 2022 and 2023). It recently installed a seismograph and an air quality measurement sensor, the actual information from which is provided online.
MeteoFreixo na prevenção da comunidade
persons per month

Pesquisa, monitorização e sensibilização sobre alterações climáticas, catástrofes naturais. Serviço público de previsão meteorológica da região Minho e alerta de eventos extremos (incêndio, ...)

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Build knowledge and capacity to meet climate change
Project information
Instituição de ensino
No. of people reached:
100 – 500
Development Status:
In fructification