Parish Social Shop and Grocery Store
The Junta de Freguesia de Santa Maria, São Pedro e Matacães aims to promote social support measures aimed at the community with the greatest economic need, as well as creating responses that meet the problems and needs of this parish.
The creation and implementation of the Juntar Market is a proposed activity in the action plan of the Santa Maria, São Pedro and Matacães Parish Social Commission. The aim of this market is to create a single space where users who receive baskets of non-perishable food, cooked meals, hygiene products, cleaning products, clothing, footwear and toys from the various institutions with these social responses will be directed. General objective: To create a single space with non-perishable, fresh and frozen food, hygiene products, cleaning products, clothing, footwear and toys, so that users can be autonomous when purchasing products.

- Promoter:
- Junta de Freguesia
- No. of people reached:
- 500 – 5000
- Development Status:
- In seed