I get up and go!

#São João da Madeira #Instituição de ensino

Introduction of reflection and implementation of measures aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals into the School Curriculum Plan and the Annual Activity Plan.

Activities such as learning about the SDGs and indicators for the country and the municipality, introducing the SDGs into the activities carried out, cross-referencing with curricular content, holding a conference/lecture, implementing good practices at the school and in the municipality.

Envolvimento da comunidade escolar na concretização das ODS
persons per year

Pretendemos alertar e consciencializar toda a comunidade escolar para a importância de contribuirmos para as ODS, melhorando hábitos e propondo medidas concretas a nível local

4 4
Increase the number of people with relevant skills for financial success
Project information
Instituição de ensino
No. of people reached:
500 – 5000
Development Status:
Taking root