L.U.I.S.A. - Bereavement Intervention and Support Unit

#Pombal #IPSS #Pombal #Diagnóstico de doença oncológica #Processo de luto #Trauma
L.U.I.S.A. - Unidade de Intervenção e Apoio no Luto (Bereavement Intervention and Support Unit) is a project awarded under the Partnerships for Impact Programme, as part of the Portugal Social Innovation Mission Structure (EMPIS), more specifically under typology 3.33. The L.U.I.S.A. project supports people and/or family members diagnosed with cancer, in the process of mourning and/or trauma. To this end, it has a multidisciplinary team that provides psychological, social, legal, nursing, nutritional and other relevant support within the scope of the diagnosed needs. L.U.I.S.A. covers the whole of Pombal.
Número de pessoas apoiadas
persons Até 11 de outubro

Até à data, L.U.I.S.A. apoia/ou 95 beneficiários do concelho de Pombal, mais especificamente 22 da tipologia de doença oncológica, 50 em processo de luto e 23 por trauma.

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Reduce mortality from non-communicable diseases and promote mental health
Project information
No. of people reached:
25 – 100
Development Status:
In fructification