Kids Dive
#Literacia do oceano
Kids Dive is a practical educational programme that includes a first diving experience to consolidate commitment to ocean conservation. This project has already reached more than 4,000 students between the ages of 8 and 17, addressing 5 of the sustainable development goals set by the UN and key issues on the ocean conservation agenda (more information at: It involves unique educational activities designed by our team of researchers: an educational underwater circuit; a mission to the intertidal zone to explore the local coastal biodiversity; a visit to the Oceanarium and a meeting with scientists. These serve to consolidate training in ocean literacy. We also included a fantastic digital experience: a virtual dive with VR360 masks. To measure the effectiveness of the programme, we carry out individual surveys with the participants. We contribute to a more informed and proactive generation with the motto: #savetheocean
- Número de participantes diretos no programa Kids Dive (>4000)
- 4000persons em 6 anos
O programa educativo Kids Dive integra grupos de 60 alunos que normalmente incluem 2 a 3 turmas completas. Começámos com 1 grupo em 2018 e só este ano de 2024 foram mais de 800.
Target14 ● 5Conserve coastal and marine areas - Autarquias envolvidas em programas de cooperação educativa e científica
- 11Autarquias em 6 anos
O Kids Dive já envolveu diversas autarquias que por sua vez integram escolas da sua região mas também desenvolvem projetos científicos de levantamento da biodiversidade costeira connosco
Target17 ● 6Knowledge sharing and cooperation for access to science, technology and innovation
Project information
- Website:
- Video:
- Social Network:
- Promoter:
- Associação
- No. of people reached:
- 500 – 5000
- Development Status:
- In fructification