Healthy Mind Days

#Vila Nova de Poiares #Associação #Idosos #Estimulação #Competição #Convívio
In 2022, the "Decentralisation - Healthy Mind" project was born, with the aim of addressing the mental health needs of older people. To this end, we set up a network of partners in order to build a neighbourhood project with the participation of a large number of older people living in dispersed villages. Following on from this project, the first edition of the "Healthy Mind Days" was organised in 2022. The aim of these days is to play stimulating games and promote social interaction. In 2022, only participants from our municipality took part, as we wanted it to be a trial run for a project that was intended to become annual, based on a system of healthy competition, with the participation of other municipalities in the district of Coimbra. So, in 2023, we will be holding the 2nd edition of this event following a different logic, as we will be inviting all the municipalities in the district of Coimbra.
Nº de participantes em 2022
persons per year
3 4
Reduce mortality from non-communicable diseases and promote mental health
Nº de participantes em 2023
persons per year
3 4
Reduce mortality from non-communicable diseases and promote mental health
Nº total de pessoas abrangidas até à data
persons total
3 4
Reduce mortality from non-communicable diseases and promote mental health
Project information
No. of people reached:
100 – 500
Development Status:
Taking root