Integrate - Healthy lifestyles
#Vila Nova de Poiares
The village of Carvalho is located at the highest point on the borders of the municipalities of Coimbra and Vila Nova de Poiares, belonging to both municipalities. It's an isolated area, often ravaged by fires, which is where the rural fire watch and control station is located. Its population, of around 180 people, is mostly elderly, with few resources and little schooling, and their livelihood is based on agriculture and raising poultry. The majority of the labour force works in the county seats, in the secondary and tertiary sectors. There are no shops in the village apart from a tavern, a small chapel and the cemetery. The only place that promotes cultural and leisure activities is the Conviviality Centre, a non-profit recreational, cultural and sporting association whose strong point is its Folkloric Ranch. The public transport network is highly deficient, consisting of just one daily route.
- N.º de ações desenvolvidas
- 6Ações per year
Realizar ações no âmbito de todos os objetivos propostos
Target4 ● 7Education for sustainable development and global citizenship - N.º de participantes
- 8persons per year
Que pelo menos 8 pessoas participem nas atividades
Target4 ● 4Increase the number of people with relevant skills for financial success
Project information
- Promoter:
- Associação
- No. of people reached:
- 25 – 100
- Development Status:
- In fructification