Guardians of Nature

#Gouveia #Associação #guardiãs natureza #desenvolvimento rural

The "Network of Nature Guardians and Sustainable Development of the Rural World", to be implemented in seven protected areas in the country, including the Sado Estuary Nature Reserve, aims to promote the involvement and training of women as nature guardians and defenders of the sustainability of the rural and coastal world.

The project, promoted by Business As Nature and financed by the Environmental Fund and ICNF - Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas, also allows women to develop their own businesses or professional activities in the protected areas.

On a local level, the plan is being implemented in the Sado Estuary Nature Reserve, in partnership with Setúbal Town Hall, where the guardians are linked to fishing or the conservation of the marine prairies.

The "Network of women nature guardians and sustainable development in the rural world" project is part of the Women's Climate Movement, from Portuguese-speaking countries to the world.

This network of women nature guardians plays a crucial role in building a more equitable and sustainable future. By valuing and strengthening the role of women in these areas, we are ensuring a more comprehensive and holistic approach to protecting nature and promoting the sustainable development of local economies.

We are looking for women who are committed to supporting climate mitigation and adaptation solutions. Women who defend nature, who lead actions to ensure the resilience of our territory, caring for and guarding natural and cultural heritage and preserving biodiversity.

Project information
No. of people reached:
500 – 5000
Development Status:
In fructification