#Cascais #IPSS
The social diagnosis of the Adroana area indicates the need for investment in physical upgrading of public spaces, the promotion of community dynamics that reinforce a sense of belonging and the appropriate appropriation of spaces with a view to optimising relations between people and the environment. There is also a need to transform a limitation of these developments - their physical isolation from the surrounding urban fabric - into a factor that enhances development and distinguishes a new territorial identity anchored in a specific dimension: the environmental dimension. It is therefore proposed that the community take part in a process to think and act on the territory and its surroundings, identifying its potential and limitations and drawing up the resulting proposals. The focus is on mobilising the resident population, especially the younger generations, from the perspective of involving them in internal and external actions.
Nº de pessoas apoiadas
persons per year

Green Mind Green Adroana tem por base o desenvolvimento de um conjunto de ações de sensibilização, formação e intervenção com a comunidade pelo que atingindo um número significativo da população

11 7
Provide access to safe and inclusive green and public spaces
Project information
No. of people reached:
500 – 5000
Development Status: