GLEE - Happy Energy4All

#Mértola #ONG #energia #pobreza energética #eficiência energética #saúde #inclusão energética #bem estar
Project to combat energy poverty, comprising diagnosis, action plan and establishment of RECs As part of the project, the following were carried out: home visits to assess energy efficiency and training to improve the thermal comfort of homes; diagnosis of energy poverty in the CH; distribution of energy efficiency kits; training in energy efficiency; public session to present the final diagnosis report; creation of the One Stop Shop; support for applications to the Efficiency Voucher Scheme. The technical project to create a solar power station to supply the CH's CRE and the Energy Inclusion and Health project are currently being prepared.
nº de habitantes identificados
1 a
Mobilize Resources to Implement Policies to End Poverty
Project information
No. of people reached:
100 – 500
Development Status:
Taking root