Gente Rija
#Viana do Alentejo
Integrated Intervention Project to be implemented in the municipality of Viana do Alentejo (in the three parishes) directed primarily to the senior population, and extended to the general community with intervention in three vectors: Active Aging; Accessibility/Mobility; Promotion and Valorisation of historical centres and material/immaterial heritage. In this perspective, the project foresees to integrate in its intervention several key areas such as the promotion of health and well-being rather than the fight against disease, the promotion of exercise and sports practice, the promotion of accessibility (physical and digital) and mobility through the identification of obstacles/ barriers in the private space - intervened and eliminated by the project, and the diagnosis of barriers/obstacles in the public space - later intervention. It is also expected to strengthen partnerships and activities already implemented, with the necessary and fundamental adaptations to the current pandemic circumstances caused by covid-19.
Project information
- Promoter:
- No. of people reached:
- 100 – 500
- Development Status:
- In fructification