Generation Earth Portugal
Generation Earth is an initiative of WWF Austria, which started a programme in 2010 to train young people to be environmental leaders, giving them the tools and skills to intervene in society to protect nature. In 2020, ANP|WWF successfully implemented this programme in Portugal, the main aim of which is to give participants the tools to develop action projects on their own. Over the course of several editions, the programme has recruited around 100 young people and implemented more than 10 actions, ranging from photo exhibitions, producers' fairs, community dinners, school competitions for sustainable actions and events at colleges, among others.
- Nº de ações promovidas por jovens
- 10ações
Número de ações pensadas, concretizadas e monitorizadas pelos jovens
Target13 ● 3Build knowledge and capacity to meet climate change - Nº de municípios de origem dos participantes
- 50munic de origem
Número de municipios de onde os participantes são originários
Target10 ● 3Ensure equal opportunities and end discrimination - Nº de workshops de capacitação já realizados
- 10eventos
Número de eventos cujo objetivo foi a capacitação dos jovens participantes
Target4 ● 7Education for sustainable development and global citizenship
Project information
- Website:
- Promoter:
- No. of people reached:
- 100 – 500
- Development Status:
- In fructification