Better Care Office
This office provides face-to-face services for people with dementia and all those who directly or indirectly live with them, i.e. their carers, family and friends, as well as the professionals who provide them with care. They are also available to institutions based in the municipality and the general population.
The Better Care Office provides information, referrals, legal support, carer relief, psychological support, neuropsychological assessment, cognitive stimulation and training.
This resource is the result of the partnership established in 2016 between the Municipality of Oeiras and the Alzheimer's Association Portugal, which resulted in the establishment of a Collaboration Protocol, which provides for financial support from the Municipality for the operation of the Cuidar Melhor Office in Oeiras.
- N.º de abrangidos
- 200persons per year
N.º anual de indivíduos que recorrem a este atendimento.
Target3 ● 8Achieve universal health coverage
- Website:
- Promoter:
- Associação
- No. of people reached:
- 100 – 500
- Development Status:
- Sprouting