GAAF - Student and Family Support Office

#Pombal #Instituição de ensino #Solidariedade #integração #partilha #pertença.
The Student and Family Support Office (GAAF) is a school/social mediation project run by the Instituto de Apoio à Criança (IAC) that operates at the Agrupamento de Escolas de Pombal (Pombal School Group) with the main aim of helping young people find solutions to their daily problems and establishing strategies to intervene and combat the social exclusion of students and families, promoting the quality of life of the most disadvantaged students. One of the main concerns of the GAAF team is to sustain the solidarity pantry created to support pressing situations and, in some cases, it has served to provide a basic monthly basket to needy families in the school grouping, with illnesses, a high number of children, precarious employment or other needs. This is supported by the solidarity collection of different goods through a sustainability policy. The GAAF promotes different partnerships with school projects, local and national organisations.
Nº de alunos apoiados
persons per year

Alunos - apoio: estudo; psicológico; melhoria comportamental; integração social; capacitação social.

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Eliminate all discrimination in education
Nº de famílias apoiadas
persons per year

Famílias - apoio com bens alimentares (despensa solidária); apoio com roupas e calçado ("roupeiro solidário"- roupa em segunda mão cedida pela comunidade escolar, criando um projeto de sustentabilidade).

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Equal rights to ownership, basic services, technology and economic resources
Project information
Instituição de ensino
No. of people reached:
5000 – 10000
Development Status:
In fructification