Mental Focus

#Lisboa #ONG #Saúde Mental #Juventude #Educação de Pares
The main focus of this project will be to provide free training and information on mental health and the prevention of risk behaviour and exposure to COVID-19 for young people in the parish of Misericórdia, aimed at a young target audience (and using young language). This intervention will take place in the parish of Misericórdia for young people from the parish and for young people and technicians from the Passos Manuel School Group and from organisations in the parish. Whenever possible, it will be done in person, but we will also have an online option as an alternative. We also intend to provide training for technicians, with a special focus on supporting the recent problems caused by the pandemic, such as extreme isolation and phobias. As a way of getting the message across more effectively, we will train 5 young mentors who will be the bridge between peers to informally reach out to young people who need our support.
Project information
No. of people reached:
500 – 5000
Development Status:
In fructification