Fitness for All

#Loulé #Empresa #saúde bem-estar exercício físico igualdade inclusão necessidades especiais
Aware of the importance of physical exercise for health, physical and emotional well-being, in partnership with the Moov Gym - Loulé, MAR Shopping Algarve launched in October 2022 the project "Fitness for All", which aims to raise awareness of the importance of physical exercise, providing, free of charge and to all, the opportunity to experience different outdoor modalities, an activity that can be practiced in group classes, with family, among friends. So that the sport is effectively for everyone, thinking about the communities with special needs, every 3 months the class will be designed and properly prepared, by duly qualified professionals, for the target publics, namely: people with reduced mobility, senior community, children, autism, trisomy 21, paralysis, among others. This project is based on pillars such as inclusion, equality, health and well-being. Frequency: Monthly
Fitness para todos
persons per month
17 17
Encourage effective partnerships
Project information
No. of people reached:
500 – 5000
Development Status:
In fructification